
BFSHOW é o maior encontro entre fabricantes e o varejo nacional de calçados

A 3ª edição da BFSHOW, principal feira de calçados do Brasil, realizada pela Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Calçados (Abicalçados) com organização da NürnbergMesse Brasil, gera grandes expectativas para o setor calçadista nacional. Isso porque o evento, que será realizado entre os dias 11 e 13 de novembro, reunirá fabricantes que respondem por 80% da produção nacional e milhares de lojistas brasileiros e importadores de todo o mundo.

O presidente-executivo da Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, destaca que o momento é positivo para a indústria calçadista nacional e que o fato deve se refletir na feira. “Para o ano, a expectativa é que produziremos cerca de 870 milhões de pares, um incremento de mais de 2% frente a 2023, crescimento que estará ancorado no mercado interno. A BFSHOW é um termômetro para o setor e portanto deve refletir esse bom momento do consumo doméstico”, projeta o dirigente.

O CEO da NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, conta que a promotora, em conjunto com a Abicalçados, organiza a maior feira de calçados da América do Sul, unindo as expertises da empresa com o conhecimento setorial da Abicalçados. “A NürnbergMesse trouxe a experiência dos grandes eventos internacionais para o calçado brasileiro, trazendo para solo nacional a maior feira de calçados do continente, não somente em números de negócios, mas em qualificação de expositores e compradores, todos selecionados de acordo com indicações, potenciais de compras e pulverização”, diz.

Principais redes confirmadas
Uma das grandes marcas confirmadas na BFSHOW é a Constance, que possui mais de 280 lojas em todo o Brasil e se abastece de fornecedores por meio da modalidade private label – quando os produtos fabricados recebem a marca do cliente. A diretora de Produto da empresa, Alessandra Noronha, ressalta que a feira é a oportunidade de ver e estar em contato com os principais fornecedores de calçados e acessórios do Brasil, “reunidos em um evento que respira moda, tendência e inovação”. Segundo ela, a expectativa da marca é bastante positiva. “Queremos reforçar ainda mais nosso relacionamento com os nossos principais fornecedores, que vêm preparando as suas indústrias para atender nossa demanda de crescimento. Também queremos buscar oportunidades de desenvolver novos fornecedores para nosso portfólio de parceiros”, destaca.

A gerente de Produto da Studio Z, uma das principais varejistas de calçados da região Sul do Brasil, Tatiany Lemes, ressalta que a BFSHOW é o maior encontro nacional entre fornecedores de calçados e varejistas do País. “Na feira, teremos todos os nossos principais parceiros reunidos e esse fato facilita muito as negociações. Lá, em apenas três dias, saberemos das maiores apostas do mercado de calçados, o que irá nortear nossas compras para o final do ano, em especial para as datas comemorativas”, comenta Tatiany, acrescentando que a BFSHOW, além dos lançamentos, oferece grandes oportunidades de compras na pronta entrega, para recomposição de estoques. “Por ter todas as principais fabricantes e lojistas do Brasil, além de dirigentes do setor, a BFSHOW também nos apresenta um panorama detalhado do mercado, com um termômetro do consumo e até mesmo das condições sócio-econômicas dos nossos parceiros”, avalia a gerente. A Studio Z conta com 105 lojas em alguns dos principais centros consumidores de calçados do Brasil.

Credenciamento aberto
A BFSHOW está com credenciamento aberto para lojistas, importadores e profissionais do setor pelo site

A segunda edição da feira, realizada em maio, reuniu mais de 9 mil visitantes nacionais e internacionais que fizeram negócios com indústrias calçadistas brasileiras.

Date: November 11 to 13 - Monday and Tuesday (from 9 AM to 7 PM); and Wednesday (from 9 AM to 5 PM);
Location: Anhembi District (Av. Olavo Fontoura, 1209 - Santana, São Paulo/SP)
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Uncategorized News

BFSHOW trade show opens accreditation for shopkeepers and importers

Launching the collections of the main Brazilian footwear brands between November 11 and 13, in the Anhembi District, in São Paulo/SP, BFSHOW has opened accreditation for shopkeepers, importers and professionals in the sector. Held by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) with the organization of NürnbergMesse Brasil, the main footwear fair in Brazil should receive more than 10 thousand visitors from all over the country and from all the continents. Accreditation can be done on this website.

The CEO of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, points out that expectations for BFSHOW are quite positive, taking into account a first half of the year with slight growth in footwear production (1.8%, according to IBGE). “The second half of the year is always more positive for the activity, and we should close the year with a productive increase of more than 2%. The fair will be the ideal moment to replenish retail for the end of the year,” the director comments.

At BFSHOW, the national and international visitor has contact with a ”real showcase of Brazilian footwear". The statement is from the CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, who points out that companies that account for more than 80% of national footwear production will be at the fair. " They are exhibitors from all segments, sizes, locations, and market niches. BFSHOW is an absolutely democratic trade show that truly showcases everything the largest shoe industry in the West has to offer," he remarks.

New location
Another factor that should further enhance BFSHOW is the new location, the redesigned Anhembi District, located in the strategic center of the financial capital of Latin America and at the exact intersection of its North-South and East-West axes, with easy access by car, bus and subway. “In addition, it facilitates international visitation, since Anhembi is just over 20 kilometers away from Guarulhos International Airport,” Picolo points out.

The second edition of BFSHOW, held in May, brought together more than 9 thousand national and international visitors who did business with more than 310 Brazilian footwear brands, numbers that will be surpassed in the November 2024 edition

Date: November 11 to 13 - Monday and Tuesday (from 9 AM to 7 PM); and Wednesday (from 9 AM to 5 PM);
Location: Anhembi District (Av. Olavo Fontoura, 1209 - Santana, São Paulo/SP)
Further information:


BFSHOW Premieres New Collections for Brazil and the World

As the largest footwear producer in the Western Hemisphere, with approximately 870 million pairs manufactured annually, Brazil's footwear industry is set to gather for the 3rd edition of BFSHOW. Organized by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) and NürnbergMesse Brasil, this major industry event will take place from November 11 to 13 at the Anhembi District in São Paulo/Brazil, showcasing new collections from hundreds of exhibitors to buyers from around the globe.

Abicalçados' Relationship and Business Manager, Letícia Sperb Masselli, highlighted the event's growth in both space and the number of participating brands. The previous edition in São Paulo attracted 318 exhibitors and more than 9,000 buyers from Brazil and across the continents—a figure expected to rise in November. "For many years, Brazil lacked an international trade show that truly represented the scale of the Western Hemisphere's biggest footwear industry. The BFSHOW is more than just a business-focused trade show; it is our meeting point with the world, where all the leading brands from various segments, sizes, and regions of Brazil will be represented," Masselli emphasized, adding that the event will feature collections from brands responsible for around 80% of the national production.

NürnbergMesse Brasil's Head of New Business, Rico Azeredo, shared that the organizer is preparing a "memorable" event for the national footwear sector, rekindling the nostalgia of the grand trade shows that once took place in São Paulo. "The BFSHOW will reflect the excellence, structure, and quality of Brazil's footwear sector for our hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors," Azeredo noted.

"Key Event on the Calendar"
For Ramarim, a footwear producer from Nova Hartz, Rio Grande do Sul, participating in BFSHOW is crucial for fostering new business relationships and strengthening connections with key industry players worldwide. "We are convinced that by participating, Ramarim can better communicate our values and objectives, enhance our brand visibility, and build stronger partnerships," said the group's vice president, Marçal Müller. According to him, BFSHOW, as "the meeting point for Brazilian footwear and the world," will be where the company launches its collections for the upcoming season. "Additionally, we will hold our national sales convention prior to the trade show, as BFSHOW has become the main event on our calendar, bringing together sales representatives from all the states where we operate," Müller added.

Recognizing BFSHOW's relevance as the leading Brazilian trade show for launches, Pegada, a footwear manufacturer from Dois Irmãos, Rio Grande do Sul, will present its entire collection at the event. The company also plans to hold its national sales convention alongside the trade show. According to Pegada’s director, Astor Ranft, BFSHOW is a vital meeting point for manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in the footwear sector. "By bringing everyone together in one event, the trade show facilitates networking, fosters new commercial partnerships, and showcases the latest market trends. BFSHOW is a platform that enhances brand visibility and allows companies to reach new markets both nationally and internationally," Ranft highlighted, adding that BFSHOW strengthens the Brazilian footwear industry. "São Paulo’s selection as the host city also amplifies the reach of participating brands, given its proximity to major consumer centers and easy access for international buyers, further positioning Brazil as a global player in the footwear sector," he concluded.

Launches and Positive Expectations
Representing the footwear hub of Nova Serrana, Minas Gerais, Lynd's director, Ronaldo Lacerda, expressed high expectations for BFSHOW. "BFSHOW is an iconic event for Brazilian footwear trade shows, the largest in terms of exhibiting brands and significance. We are confident that Brazilian and international buyers will attend this third edition," Lacerda projected, noting that during the event organized by Abicalçados, the sector gathers to observe trends, conduct business, and reflect on the industry’s direction in the country. "This is an international trade show, a showcase that highlights our footwear and excellence to the world. We will bring 100% of our 2025 launches to the trade show," Lacerda added. He pointed out that while the domestic Brazilian market is essential, exports drive growth as there are many untapped or expandable markets. "That's why BFSHOW plays such a fundamental role, connecting us with the world and bringing business opportunities and visibility to our industry," he concluded.

Kidy, a children's footwear manufacturer from Birigui, São Paulo, will also be present at BFSHOW. "We have always been strong participants in trade shows focused on business, launches, and innovation. There was a significant gap without an internationally relevant trade show in São Paulo, with all its logistical and structural advantages, and we were in need of an event of this level to showcase our products," said the company's national sales manager, Rafael Menezes. According to him, Kidy is confident that once again the trade show will drive business at a time when the company is expanding its customer base both domestically and internationally. "At the 3rd edition of BFSHOW, we will reveal our collections for the season to Brazilian retailers and international buyers. The May edition in São Paulo yielded excellent results. More than just business expectations, BFSHOW allow us to strengthen relationships with buyers from Brazil and around the world, opening new markets and perspectives for the company," Menezes added.

Post-Show Impact
The quality of buyers attending BFSHOW is another standout feature of the event. Leveraging Abicalçados' expertise in inviting key national and international players, the trade show is known for generating results during and after the event in what is referred to as the "post-show." "BFSHOW positions itself as Brazil's premier footwear trade show, with a strong structure that not only generates business but also provides national and international visibility for its exhibitors," evaluated Dilly Sports' marketing manager, Rafael Russo, whose company manufactures the brands West Coast and Mormaii. According to him, previous events demonstrated significant business activity following the trade show, with negotiations initiated at the event. "I also believe that the fact that BFSHOW is held in São Paulo facilitates attendance by buyers from across Brazil and major world markets due to logistical and cost advantages," Russo concluded, hinting that the company will launch all its collections at BFSHOW.

The 3rd edition of BFSHOW comes at a time when Brazil's footwear industry is on a recovery path, preparing for growth of 9% to 22% in 2024, following a production downturn in 2023.

To secure your spot at BFSHOW, visitors can register on the website to receive first-hand updates about the opening of accreditation at open.



Data: 11 a 13 de novembro de 2024 (segunda-feira a quarta-feira)

Local: Distrito Anhembi, em São Paulo/SP


BFSHOW should confirm positive outlook of footwear sector

Considered the main footwear trade show in Brazil, BFSHOW, which takes place in the Anhembi District, in São Paulo/Brazil, on November 11-13, has been generating good expectations for the national footwear sector. According to the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), which promotes the exhibition with the organization of NürnbergMesse Brasil, footwear production increased by 2.7% between January and May, compared to the same period last year. For the year, the growth estimated by the entity is over 2% and will be driven, above all, by the domestic market, which accounts for more than 85% of sales in the sector.

The CEO of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, says that, despite the instabilities, especially in the international scenario, the footwear industry is growing, with fundamental support from domestic consumption, which should exceed 800 million pairs in 2024, in a growth that can reach more than 3% when compared to 2023. "BFSHOW, once again, will be instrumental in confirming this positive expectation. For the trade show, the presence of large networks of the national and also international market is expected, and they will have the opportunity to supply their stores in an exhibition that presents collections of companies that account for more than 80% of national footwear production”, highlights the director, adding that, at BFSHOW, exhibitors from all segments, sizes and footwear poles are expected. “The diversity of footwear found at the trade show is certainly the biggest in Brazil. At BFSHOW, buyers will be in touch with a fairly complete range of the biggest shoe industry in the west. The expectation, given the need to supply stores after a positive first half of the year, is the best possible”, projects the executive.

Strategic location
The CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, points out that the strategic location of BFSHOW, in the Anhembi District, in the financial capital of Latin America, also favors the presence of major national and international players from all regions of Brazil and the world. "Visitation is a great differential of BFSHOW, because the trade show takes place in a privileged place not only for the structure of international airports, but also for all the convenience of a hotel chain that has more than 7 thousand apartments within a 5 kilometers radius from our venues, as well as a wide choice of restaurants, culture and entertainment”, he evaluates.

Considered the main event center in Latin America, the traditional Anhembi District recently underwent a renovation that transformed its more than 64 thousand meters of exhibition area into one of the most functional and modern in the world, with living areas, green space and ample parking.



Date: November 11-13, 2024

Local: Distrito Anhembi, em São Paulo/SP



After the success of its second edition, which brought together 318 brands and more than 9 thousand visitors at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP, BFSHOW definitively grew roots in the business capital of Latin America. The third edition of the event will take place on November 11-13, 2024, in the newly renovated New Anhembi District. Considered the largest footwear trade show in Brazil, BFSHOW is an accomplishment of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) with organization by NürnbergMesse Brasil.

With 64 thousand square meters of Exhibition Area, Convention Center, hotel with more than 7 thousand apartments, restaurant of 1.3 thousand square meters and areas of coexistence and nature, the New Anhembi District represents an important step to make BFSHOW one of the main fairs of the sector in the world. The head of new business of NürnbergMesse Brasil, Rico Azeredo, points out that the location in São Paulo, considered the largest economic metropolis in Latin America, meets the strengthening of the national footwear sector. "São Paulo is a hub of connection with the world. With a fantastic infrastructure, with a wide hotel network, gastronomic and cultural options, the city is the economic center of the continent”, he highlights.

According to Rico, another differential is the chosen location,”which unites the tradition and history of one of the main exhibition parks in Latin America with an environment completely remodeled and adapted to the needs of exhibitors and buyers". Created in the 1970s, the exhibition park located at the Marginal Tietê saw the birth of some of the main national trade shows in the sector. The New Anhembi district, now under concession for GL Events, received more than R$1.5 billion in investments.

For the Relationship and Business manager of Abicalçados, Letícia Sperb Masselli, BFSHOW demonstrates the strength of the national footwear sector and the union in favor of the idea of having a professional trade show oriented to the needs of the market. “The trade show's growth, in the capital of São Paulo, is exponential due to the satisfaction we are feeling from both exhibitors and national and international buyers. BFSHOW will strengthen itself as a meeting point for the Brazilian footwear industry with buyers from the main footwear markets in the world”, emphasizes the manager.

After a year of difficulties in 2023, with a drop in production, the footwear sector is preparing to grow between 0.9% and 2.2% in 2024, reaching more than 870 million pairs produced. Abicalçados projects a growth of up to 3.8% in domestic footwear consumption throughout the year.

Date: November 11-13, 2024
Location: New Anhembi District, in São Paulo / SP

Watch the video of the New Anhembi District -


Small and medium-sized companies were present at the largest footwear fair in Brazil

Brazil is known for the strength of its small and medium-sized companies. According to Sebrae data, 95% of companies in Brazil are small businesses. There are 22.6 million SMEs, which total an average of R$ 20.26 million in revenue per year. Theyare also present in the footwear sector: of the 5.3 thousand footwear industries in the country, 92% are micro and small. And many of them were gathered in the three days of BFSHOW, the largest footwear fair in Brazil, held between May 21 and 23, at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP. The event is a realization of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with the promoter NürnbergMesse Brasil.

At BFSHOW, about 35% of the 318 exhibitors fall into the micro and small business category, and 49% are medium-sized. One of them is Killana.. Founded 28 years ago in Três Coroas (RS), the company produces leather footwear with a business model divided between private label (producing for other brands) and its own brand, which corresponds to 30% of the production of about 700 shoes per day. The medium-sized company bets on the commercialization of its line through partnerships with retailers and, since 2002, has also exported its products to countries such as Russia, the United States, Argentina, Italy and Portugal, among others. And at BFSHOW it has a showcase to reach new markets. private label (produzindo para outras marcas) e marca própria, que corresponde a 30% da produção de cerca de 700 calçados por dia. A empresa de médio porte aposta na comercialização de sua linha por meio da parceria com varejistas e, desde 2002, também exporta seus produtos para países como Rússia, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Itália e Portugal, entre outros. E na BFSHOW tem uma vitrine para atingir novos mercados.

"It is of total importance to participate in BFSHOW because it is the place where we are able to capture and meet with customers, centralizing the search process, research and confirming that they want to work with us. Some countries we only attend to at the fair. We had in this edition, for example, a client from Guatemala who wants to buy our collection and even suggested opening a store of her own partnering with us. These are businesses that can emerge here and that can lead us to other markets in the future,” says Marcos Huff, Killana's administrator. According to him, the summer collection presented at the BFSHOW should have a sales growth of 10% compared to last year.

Rio Grande do Sul Fashion Station

Sebrae of Rio Grande do Sul was also present at the fair, with a space dedicated to 18 micro and small companies in the state, all of them, in some way, affected by the floods. The participation of the companies, organized at the Estação Moda RS space, was confirmed before the climate catastrophe, with the support of the organization of the fair and Sebrae, all could be present at the event. 

“With this situation we are facing, being at BFSHOW is crucial for the survival of the business. They do not come to the fair only for relationships, they come to generate orders and guarantee the production for the next two or three months at the plant, a factor of paramount importance for the maintenance of jobs, income and to ensure that the local economy continues to function,” says Aliana Maciel, Project Manager at Sebrae RS.

The Sebrae RS project has, in total, 50 micro and small companies in the state, of which 17 were at the BFSHOW with the support of the association. During the event, the project companies closed deals that exceed R$ 4.4 million. According to Sebrae, the outlook for the next 12 months, based on what was seen at the Fair, is an expectation of more than R$ 9.7 million in revenue. Exhibitors sold more than 55 thousand products to about 500 different buyers.

Helping micro and small entrepreneurs to register increases in their revenue is also the main proposal of Sebrae SP at BFSHOW. A consultant at Sebrae Franca, Jorge Zanetti explains that the entity works in four major areas with entrepreneurs: in company management, access to credit, technologies and markets – the latter is the main reason for participating in the fair.

“It is very important to be at BFSHOW because we are able to give visibility to small businesses, so that they have the opportunity to access markets that they often cannot. And also so that these entrepreneurs can analyze trends and learn more about what is happening in Brazil. We set up a shared space of three of the main footwear centers in São Paulo: Franca, Jaú and Birigui, each with five companies from each city. Our perspective is that these companies will have a revenue increase of at least 10% in the year”, explains Zanetti.

The 3rd edition of BFSHOW is already confirmed! It takes place from November 11 to 13, 2024, in the New Anhembi District, in São Paulo (SP).

About Abicalçados

Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About NürnbergMesse Brazil

NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.


Brands present technological novelties for footwear at BFSHOW 

Novelties include anti-odor and antibacterial products 

BFSHOW, the largest footwear fair in Brazil, which ended this past Thursday (May 23rd), at the Transamerica Expo Center, had as one of its protagonists the technological innovations in footwear. 

Among the highlights is the children's shoe brand Kidy. The new Spring/Summer collection arrives full of technology. "Our main highlight is Respi-tec, an exclusive innovation of the brand that has holes in the sole so that dry air may enter and warm air leaves, making the foot breathe. The sneaker also has a technological membrane so that no water gets through the holes, and an antibacterial insole. This all prevents children's feet from having foot odour”, explains João Carlos Gava, Marketing Manager at Kidy.

The new shoes also have more stability for the first steps, movement impact absorption and dotted line, which indicates when it is time to change the size of the shoes. In addition, the children's brand also has the Super Leve (Super Light) model, made for sports, which weighs only 130 grams.

Boaonda also took their new collection to BFSHOW. The technological highlight of the company goes to the Maxisense insole, made out of polyurethane, in an exclusive composition, as stated by Cassio Romani, brand's manager. "Today one of our great differentials is our insole, which despite being used, always returns to its original state and absorbs up to 80% of the impact, which ends up helping the knee and ankle joints”. In addition, the brand also presents technologies of softness and grip, preventing slipping. 

The 3rd edition of BFSHOW is already confirmed! It takes place from November 11 to 13, 2024, in the New Anhembi District, in São Paulo (SP).

About Abicalçados

Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About NürnbergMesse Brazil

NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.


New collections bet on thashoest protect the health of the feet

Finding the right shoe can be a challenge. Especially for people who have specific needs, such as a shoe adapted to the bunion or a sandal to work for many hours standing up. Always thinking of evolving and offering the best to the public, brands presented their new collections designed for greater foot care at the 2nd edition of BFSHOW, the largest footwear fair in Brazil, which ended this past Thursday at the Transamerica Expo Center, in SP.

One such brand is Piccadilly, which brought about 300 new models to the fair. Among the main highlights are the new lines that bring greater comfort and health to the feet, such as Piccadilly Maxi, the only one with footwear technology certified by ANVISA. The special insole stimulates circulation and prevents varicose veins and swelling, relieving pain and eliminating toxins. The Spring/Summer collection also has the Hello Bem-Estar (Hello Well-being) line, which offers shoes for feet with special characteristics, such as fasciitis, bunion and spur; and the SPA line, which has a set of relaxing insoles that can be switched.

"The SPA line has a different technology. Each product comes with two insoles: one normal and one textured, which has relaxing and moisturizing properties. While you wear the shoe, it massages and moisturizes your foot. Ideal for those who spend the day on their feet or walk a lot, because at the end of the day you will feel as if you have not worn any shoes. Our lines show that it is possible to combine fashion and beauty with practicality, comfort and well-being”, comments Luciana Cantú, Piccadilly's Trade Marketing Coordinator.

Usa&Adapta (Wear&Adapt) is the big novelty of the Usaflex Summer collection. The line's insole reads the shape of the foot, cushioning the step and distributing the weight of the body. "Usa & Adapta shoes give the feeling of embracing the foot, united to a malleable sole, which really adapts to each step, giving the users a feeling of comfort. It is the main focus of our collection at the fair and attracted a lot of interest from buyers, especially for our carpet at the entrance to the stand, which is all made of the same material,” says Eduarda Dilkin, Trade Marketing Analyst at Usaflex.

The brand also brought three other special lines to this edition of BFSHOW, with technologies such as Gel Shock Absorber, Arcoflex - which helps those with a higher foot arch, adapting to the correct shape and preventing it from causing pain -, and Intensive Care – with insoles that put pressure on strategic points of the foot. Also on display was a new model for its EVA Poofy line, reinforcing the benefits of lightness, softness and durability, with a design that mixes classic style with a touch of glitter. “Our entire collection provides comfort and differentiated benefits, proving our proposal to combine fashion and well-being”, she concludes.

The BFSHOW took place between May 21 and 23, in São Paulo/SP, and brought together 318 Brazilian footwear brands. The 3rd edition of BFSHOW is already confirmed! It takes place from November 11 to 13, 2024, in the New Anhembi District, in São Paulo (SP).

About Abicalçados

Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About NürnbergMesse Brazil

NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.


Candy colors e materiais naturais são principais apostas para sapatos e acessórios femininos Primavera/Verão

As novas tendências foram apresentadas na BFSHOW. A feira trouxe também o espaço BFS Trends, com espaço de curadoria da Inspiramais e Fashion Directions

Uma moda fácil e descomplicada, mas com toque fashionista. Essa é a ideia que permeia as tendências para as coleções feminina de calçados e acessórios da Primavera/Verão 2024/2025. Entre as principais apostas estão matérias-primas rústicas, cores suaves e sapatos com solados e palmilhas que atuem para o conforto e bem-estar. Nos detalhes, enfeites e muito brilho para ressaltar qualquer look. Essas e outras tendências foram apresentadas na BFSHOW, principal feira calçadista do Brasil, realizada de 21 a 23 de maio, no Transamerica Expo Center, em São Paulo/ SP. 

BFS Trends

A feira contou com o espaço BFS Trends, que reuniu para os expositores e visitantes exemplos e insights do que será destaque na coleção Primavera/Verão. Amostras de cores, materiais e acabamentos integraram o local, um ponto de referência para quem quer estar por dentro das principais tendências da estação. A curadoria foi feita pelo Inspiramais e Fashion Directions. 

“Recortamos cinco temáticas que são bem importantes e trouxemos para a BFSHOW. Em parceria com o Fashion Directions, criamos um ambiente de tendências para auxiliar as empresas na criação de suas próximas coleções. Com o espaço BFS Trends, criamos um universo circular dessa informação para que as pessoas entendam que o sapato, e a moda no geral,  iniciam-se muito antes do produto final. Ele começa na escolha do componente, na escolha do detalhe do tecido e na construção dessa pesquisa”, afirma Marnei Carminatti, diretor de criação do Inspiramais.

O Inspiramais trabalha com uma metodologia de pirâmide, que divide os temas em três proporções. No topo da pirâmide, 10% representam a inovação, as tendências que geram valor. Na sequência, temos os 30% de inovação/tendência que já viraram realidade. Na base, os 60% que estão massificados e servem para servir de ponto de partida para as coleções. Seguindo essa linha, o BFS Trends está dividido com os cinco grandes pilares: Ancestral, Manualidade, Pragmatismo, Estimulante e Techform. 

O Techform (sportivity) aposta em utilitários, sneakers, mesh & nylon, gorpcore e futurismo. Estimulante (lady romance) traz maximalismos, delicadeza, flores, metalizados e cristais. Já o Pragmatismo (sartorial & pure) reúne minimalismo, clean, mules & slides, bico fino e elegante. No Ancestral (indie rebel) destaque para as fivelas e tachas, western, sedução, destroyed e denim explosion. Em Manualidade (wild & chic) estão reunidos tramados, terrosos, animalier, natural e tradição. “Denim Explosion é uma temática bem importante, que aparece bastante, tanto como cor do tom de azul quanto o material em si, e vai continuar para as próximas estações”, pontua Luana Savadintzky, consultora de moda e analista de tendências do Fashion Directions. 

“O nosso olhar é sempre mais voltado para o produto, permitindo que o comprador consiga interligar as referências de uma maneira fácil e comercial. Olhamos a tendência que está acontecendo agora, lá fora principalmente, e trazemos para o mercado latino-americano uma pesquisa mais aspiracional de uma forma bem comunicativa e fácil. No espaço BFS Trends eles têm todo apoio, não só para escolherem os produtos, mas também para montarem, para colocarem em exposição para o cliente dele, o consumidor final”, afirma Luana Lanzini, co-fundadora do Fashion Directions.

In practice

Os materiais naturais como palha e ráfia chegam com tudo na coleção feminina de calçados e acessórios da Primavera/Verão 2024/2025. Foi nesse minimalismo rústico e contemporâneo que a Dumond foi buscar inspiração. A nova coleção da marca, que atua há 30 anos no mercado de bolsas e calçados, traz a linha “natural chic”, com peças em cartela terrosa, animal print e materiais naturais. Entre as cores, destacam-se o damasco, o verde escuro, e os tons metalizados. 

Além dessas, as famosas candy colors, que dominaram as passarelas e os tapetes vermelhos em 2019, voltam a ocupar as vitrines. A coleção romântica da Dumond apresenta as cores em tom pastel em composição com tramas, tranças de ráfia e cordões. “Os modelos flats, mocassins e com saltos blocos são destaques da linha, além das já tradicionais sapatilhas da marca”, explica o estilista Helder Antônio da Silva. Ao todo, a Dumond apresentou mais de 100 modelos de sapato e 30 bolsas na BFSHOW.

Os tons mais claros estão presentes, ainda, nas bolsas da coleção Primavera 2024 da Colcci, expositora também do evento. Com mais de 40 modelos, a KE, empresa responsável pelo licenciamento da Colcci Bags, vai levar aos pavilhões a coleção Al Mare. “Exploramos tons como o azul cashmere e o amarelo cornish, inspirado na cor da areia da praia”, explica Melina Sanson, fashion designer da KE, que ajudou a desenvolver a coleção junto ao time de designers da Colcci.  

Outro ponto alto da coleção são as bolsas para a noite com muito brilho, que chegam às lojas em 4 diferentes modelos. As minibags também continuam como aposta. A tendência permanece forte nas passarelas internacionais e está presente na próxima estação, e funciona muito bem como um complemento da roupa. A da nova coleção da Colcci, como o nome diz, é bem pequena com medidas de 10x12x6″, explica Melina. 

O toque natural da marca chega por meio da nova shopping bag, feita com canvas e detalhes em poliuretano. “É uma peça coringa e atemporal, vai da praia ao urbano. Vai ser sucesso na temporada da Colcci Bags”, aposta a designer. 

A Brizza Arezzo traz para a próxima coleção flats e sandals em cores blushes, bold flowers em aplicações monocromáticas e uma estética solar e fun, destacada pela collab com a Smille, que estampa flatforms e sandálias. Outro lançamento da marca é a nova linha Marrocos Up, uma nova flatform em full EVA.

A estética faroeste e as aplicações vem forte nas marcas femininas da Grendene. “Trazemos a evolução dos brilhos, com a atualização de projetos de pedrarias e acabamentos acetinados, uma tendência que terá continuidade para o verão. Solados anatômicos e tratorados mais salientes estão presentes, além da tendência dos cabedais em “H”, impressa na coleção de acordo com o DNA de cada uma das nossas marcas. Na Grendha, trabalhamos com metais maximalistas e inspiração na joalheria. Em Zaxy, investimos em novas possibilidades de modelos estilo “Birken” e em sandálias e slides que bebem da tendência Western”, afirma Tarcila Carvalho, gerente de Design das marcas Grendha, Zaxy e Azaleia.

“Essa estação vem com uma aposta muito forte na rusticidade, mas com o brilho que a brasileira gosta. Na Dakota apostamos nessa mistura de materiais, que tem agradado muito os clientes nesse primeiro dia da BFSHOW”, conta Isabel Maldaner, gerente de Marketing da Dakota. Tamancos, papetes, metais em formas orgânicas e slim bags para serem usadas também no inverno – um produto atemporal. Nos tênis da marca, aposta por solas caixa e metal, além da logomania, com destaque para o logo da marca.

Já a nova coleção da Beira Rio lança mão de uma base assertiva e inteligente para o guarda-roupa das mulheres, girando em torno da tríade: moda, elegância e conforto. Entre os destaques estão sapatos com salto bloco, shapes arredondados, modelos cap toe, enfeites, laços e uma aparência full color. As papetes – febre do momento –, exibem palmilhas anatômicas, e estarão nas vitrines ao lado de flats, tamancos e thong sandals. Entre as cores, a aposta é pelo vermelho Radiant Red (WGSN), que marcou  eventos, desfiles e o street style, dando origem à tendência que tomou conta das redes sociais, o Pop of Red. Os tons Pale Yellow ou Celestial Yellow também marca presença nesse verão. 

Para a marca, os lançamentos abrem espaço para produções genuínas, que vão da beira-mar até composições urbanas, especialmente na companhia de itens funcionais como fechos de contato e fivelas.

E, para quebrar os padrões, a Vizzano propõe a estética “Wrong Shoe Theory”, que se tornou viral e trouxe aos feeds e runways a decisão de escolher um par de calçados que se oponha diametralmente à estética “combinandinha” do figurino, exemplificada por calças esportivas ou jorts arrematados por slingbacks, ou, ainda, slip dresses finalizados com tênis. No line-up da Vizzano está o azul, corporificado pela nuance Galactic Cobalt (WGSN) e o Sky Blue. O cinza é outro fashion player, abraçando a era do Groutfit (fusão dos termos grey e outfit), referindo-se ao dress code acinzentado head to toe (da cabeça aos pés). Entre os materiais, destaca-se o novo metalizado com textura de favos, estilizando escamas.

Na wishlist de bolsas, o match entre moda e portabilidade não passa despercebido: shape tote, alongada na horizontal, feita em Safiano – material que se assemelha ao linho –, com enfeite frontal imponente, monograma e área interna espaçosa. A opção meia lua (moon medium bag) tem aplicação frontal de fivelas e ilhós. Entram em cena também o modelo satchel e a shoulder bag (best-seller) que ganha releitura em tons pastel, como o amarelo manteiga (butter cream). A versão tote na cor Cherry Red conta com ótimo espaço interno.

The 3rd edition of BFSHOW is already confirmed! It takes place from November 11 to 13, 2024, in the New Anhembi District, in São Paulo (SP). Registre aqui seu interesse em participar.


BFSHOW ends with great visitation and creates roots in São Paulo

The second edition of BFSHOW, footwear fair that took place between May 21st and 23rd, at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP, generated optimism for the second half of sales in the footwear industry. With 318 exhibiting brands, the fair received more than 9 thousand people, among Brazilian buyers and from all continents of the world. The fair is a realization of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with NürnbergMesse Brasil.

The executive chairman of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, points out that the fair confirmed the positive growth projection for the sector throughout 2024. "This year, we have an estimate of growth between 0.9% and 2.2%. The success of the fair, both in negotiations with the domestic and foreign markets, make us more optimistic and close to the highest side of the range”, celebrates the leader. According to him, BFSHOW demonstrated the strength and unity of the Brazilian footwear sector. “I am sure that this sector, with all its power of resilience, has the potential to grow further. We need better conditions of competitiveness, because we are productive and competent in what we do. The accomplishment of BFSHOW proves this,” he added.

For the CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, the fair, in its second edition, is consolidated as the largest in the country. “We are not the ones who are saying it, it is the exhibitors, shopkeepers and importers present in it. The move of the fair to São Paulo, with a better infrastructure and facilitated logistics to receive thousands of buyers with comfort and convenience is a differential that is strengthening the event as one of the main in the world and giving due recognition to the Brazilian footwear industry”, he highlights. The executive also says that, on the first day alone, the fair beat all the visitation achieved in the first edition. “And it wasn't just volume, we've had quality. The people who came, came focused on business”, he evaluates.

Energy shot
The BFSHOW was a real energy shot for the national footwear industry, still very shaken by what is happening in Rio Grande do Sul, the largest exporter and second largest producer of footwear in Brazil. The keyword for the 56 Gaucho brands participating in the BFSHOW was resilience. With logistical difficulties, since Porto Alegre's airport was hit hard by the floods and is not expected to reopen until September, many came by alternative airports or even by buses and vans to São Paulo. “The Gaucho footwear sector showed a strength that impressed everyone here at BFSHOW. I am convinced that, by the end of May, more than 90% of footwear production in Rio Grande do Sul will be normalized”, projects the CEO of Abicalçados.

One of the Gaucho exhibitors is Sugar Shoes, from Picada Café / RS. Manufacturing the brands Coca-Cola Shoes, Diversão, Aramis and Street, the group was at the BFSHOW presenting its Spring-Summer collections. According to Director Rodaika Diel, the fair surprised positively, because in addition to lots of movement, it generated business on site with buyers from all over Brazil and part of the world. "Buyers praised, in addition to the products presented, the structure of the fair and the fact that it is located in São Paulo, which facilitates the logistics for the visit”, she evaluates. She also says that a large argentinian group, which had a scheduled visit to the factory and could not go due to flooding, was at the fair and closed business. “We are very happy and looking forward to the November edition”, she concludes.

Pampili, children's footwear industry from Birigui / SP, was also satisfied with the event. The company's International Business Coordinator, Lismeire da Silva Santos, hardly stopped serving buyers, especially from outside the country. "Looking at the international market retraction scenario, the fair becomes even more relevant and with results above expectations”, she says. According to her, the logistics of the fair, in São Paulo, greatly facilitated the visit of major international players. “We opened three new international markets here, Costa Rica, Chile and Yemen, in addition to receiving traditional customers, mainly from Latin America,” she says, stressing that the matchmaking job (service that crosses demand with product supply), carried out by Abicalçados, greatly facilitated negotiations, making BFSHOW an event with a total focus on business. The director of the company, Sergio Andreazzi, corroborates the professional's opinion, highlighting that the fair is recovering the prestige of the sector's national shows. “The second edition of BFSHOW took a step, a big step, compared to its first edition. I'm sure the next edition, in the New Anhembi, will be even better. We will be there and we will need an even larger space" he assesses.

Collective strength
At the collective stand of Nova Serrana, which brought together 60 brands from the footwear pole in Minas Gerais in a space of more than 1.2 thousand meters within the Transamerica Expo Center, Stir was another company satisfied with the results achieved, especially in the domestic market. “We've received a large number of visits from Brazilian buyers, mainly from the São Paulo market, which absorbs 45% of our sales,” says Conrado Lacerda, from the commercial department. According to him, the grouping of the Minas footwear location in a single space further enhanced participation. "At the next fair, we will have even more brands. Those who did not come, will want to come”, he concludes.

International markets
In addition to the great visitation of buyers from all regions of Brazil, BFSHOW had an expressive presence of importers from all continents. According to the promoter, there were more than 60 accredited countries. Through a joint effort carried out by Abicalçados, the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) - through the Brazilian Footwear program - and NürnbergMesse Brasil, more than 150 international buyers from 98 groups were brought to Brazil. "Adding to the foreign buyers who came on their own, we should exceed three hundred importers,” says Abicalçados' Business and Relationship Manager, Letícia Sperb Masselli.

The buyer of the Armando Company Group from Kuwait, Daniel Krayem, points out that the fair united organization with new releases in accordance with the main trends in the world market. “We have made great contacts that will certainly generate future business. It was quite easy to find the shoes we needed because of the arrangement by segments”, he evaluates.

In the coming days, Abicalçados and NürnbergMesse Brasil will release the figures of the negotiations carried out by the buyers brought by BFSHOW.

Help RS
As it could not be otherwise, the fair was also the stage for solidarity with those affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. The fair spread several totems with QR code to send PIX to the Movement Next Steps RS, that is raising financial resources that will be directed to the restructuring of the living conditions of the impacted footwear-related families.

Move to SP
A fact quite celebrated during the second edition of BFSHOW, the coming to the capital of São Paulo became definitive. "The fair grew roots in São Paulo. In the next edition, the event will be even bigger, held in the New Anhembi District, a space that has received investment of more than R$ 500 million and is fully prepared to host an event of the magnitude of BFSHOW with comfort, security and facilitated logistics”, announces Picolo. The next edition of the fair takes place between November 11th and 13th, 2024.

About Abicalçados
Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About the organizers
NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.