
BFSHOW unites sustainability, business and fashion 

The most sustainable footwear industry in the world and the only one to have an ESG certification for the production chain at an international level could not have a trade fair with guidelines other than those of sustainability. The 1st edition of the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, a show held by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) and organized by NürnbergMesse Brasil between November 21st and 23rd, at the FIERGS Events Center, will have a series of initiatives that will put the theme at the center of the debates. Another highlight of the event will be the trend surveys presented in partnerships with INSPIRAMAIS and the Fashion Directions bureau. 

Abicalçados' CEO, Haroldo Ferreira, points out that the mission of BFSHOW, in addition to generating business and transforming the model of fairs in the country, with transparency and cost optimization, is to help raise awareness in the sector about the importance of sustainable practices. "That's why BFSHOW is committed to supporting sustainable initiatives, incorporating sustainable practices and conducting the event cleanly and with as little impact as possible," he says. 

According to the leader, the fair wants to unite the Brazilian footwear sector to the sustainability ecosystem. Among the ESG initiatives is the commitment to recycling and reuse of materials used in the assembly and organization of the exhibition, which will be controlled, managed, reused in future events, or sent correctly for recycling. “Our priority is to make as little impact on the environment as possible and to direct our use and our exhibitors in the same way. In addition, the organization of garbage for visitors is also carried out to raise awareness and support the separation of waste,” explains Ferreira. 

Aware of its social responsibility, BFSHOW has as part of its commitment the mandatory hiring of at least 10% of the workforce from minority groups, such as the LGBTQIA+ community, people with physical disabilities, among others. The CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, points out that the measure not only strengthens and promotes social inclusion, but also boosts the local economy, offering tangible opportunities for people who face social barriers in the labor market”. The executive highlights that the achievement is a practical example of how to combine business generation and social responsibility. 

Sustainability Arena 
BFSHOW will also have content and exhibition to demonstrate in a practical way the sustainability applied in the Brazilian footwear sector. In the Sustainability Arena, visitors will be able to check out two spaces. One of them is the Sustainable Origin, where the ESG certification for the footwear production chain and its certified companies will be presented. The other space is BFSHOW - Sustainable Footwear, which will feature an exhibition of ten exhibiting companies that will present their footwear models made from sustainable materials. 

Going into the subject of trends that will be presented, sustainability could not be left out. A partnership with INSPIRAMAIS, a trend-setting salon in materials and inputs for the footwear production chain, will present the latest sustainable inputs launched at the event. In the space, materials from the Homo Faber research can be found, guided by the coordinator of the Design and Research Center of the Brazilian Association of Companies of Components for Leather, Footwear and Artifacts (Assintecal), the stylist Walter Rodrigues. 

Another differential of BFSHOW will be the presentation of the Fashion Directions trend research. Studio located in Milan / Italy, the bureau is a trend portal specializing in women's, men's and children's shoes, bags and accessories. Managed by a Brazilian duo, Luana Lanzini and Luana Savadintzky, fashion consultants, Fashion Directions compiles in a directional way the trends and products of the moment. “For BFSHOW, thinking precisely about replicating our directional research style for the shopkeeper, we created a shopping guide, clearly summarizing the main trends and products that we believe are key for winter 2024”, says Luana Lanzini. In addition, the bureau will provide on time coverage of the fair, linking and confirming trends with the collections presented. 

FSHOW is a fair held by Abicalçados, organized by NürnbergMesse Brasil and sponsored by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae). The official partnership is the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (ApexBrasil). The support is from the unions of the footwear industries of Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Paraíba, Estância Velha, Sapiranga, Birigui, Campo Bom, Dois Irmãos, Jaú, Fortaleza, Farroupilha, Parobé, Franca, Igrejinha, Nova Serrana and Novo Hamburgo. 

Floor Plan 
The BFSHOW floor plan, which closed with 137 of the main footwear brands in Brazil, 123 of them exclusive at the event, was all designed for a segmented visit, which facilitates and optimizes business. BFSHOW's numbers are all audited. Check here


In Porto Alegre, BFSHOW's first edition moves the footwear sector 

The first edition of the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, a fair held by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) and organized by NürnbergMesse Brasil between November 21st and 23rd, at the FIERGS Exhibition & Convention Centre, in Porto Alegre/Brazil, will move the Brazilian footwear sector. With 138 footwear brands from all segments, niches and footwear poles in Brazil, 124 of them exclusive to the event, the fair should receive more than 10 thousand visitors, including at least 150 importers from 30 countries.  

The fair, which promises to transform the business model of trade shows in Brazil, was organized in accordance with the main event trends in the world. Who is at the forefront of the process is promoter NürnbergMesse Brasil, a subsidiary of the German NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest international event organizing companies in the world. Among the differentials of BFSHOW is the segmented visitation experience. In a pavilion with more than 14 thousand square meters, the brands will be distributed by segment and niche. In addition, the show will feature fashion content, through presentation of materials for the footwear industry launched at INSPIRAMAIS and the dissemination of the trend research of Fashion Directions, a studio located in Milan / Italy that brings trends' content in women's, men's and children's shoes, bags and accessories in the form of a guide to guide purchases. 


The first edition of BFSHOW, in addition to buyers from the main consumer centers of the country, will receive significant visitation from importers. Partnering with the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), Abicalçados and NürnbergMesse Brasil enabled the presence of more than 150 buyers from 100 international groups from 30 countries. They are importers from all continents, which were chosen together with exhibitors, taking into account the potential for purchases and pulverization. In addition to these, other importers will come on their own to the event. 

Buyers from Argentina, South Africa, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ecuador, Guatemala, Reunion Islands, Kuwait, Libya, Mozambique, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Spain, United States, Tanzania and Uruguay are confirmed at BFSHOW. 

In addition to buyers, Brazilian Footwear, a program carried out by Abicalçados in partnership with ApexBrasil, will bring seven journalists and five international influencers to Brazil. Guests from Argentina, Colombia, Spain and Italy come to Porto Alegre through the Imagem and influencers projects.   


Among BFSHOW's ESG initiatives are the commitment to recycling and reuse of materials used in the assembly and organization of the exhibition, which will be controlled, managed, reused in future events, or sent correctly for recycling. The priority is to make the least possible impact on the environment. In addition, the organization of garbage for visitors is also carried out to raise awareness and support the separation of waste. 

BFSHOW will also have content and exhibition to demonstrate in a practical way the sustainability applied in the Brazilian footwear sector. In the Sustainability Arena, visitors will be able to check out two spaces. One of them is the Sustainable Origin, where the ESG certification for the footwear production chain and its certified companies will be presented. The other space is BFSHOW - Sustainable Footwear, which will feature an exhibition of ten exhibiting companies that will present their footwear models made from sustainable materials. 


FSHOW is a fair held by Abicalçados, organized by NürnbergMesse Brasil and sponsored by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae). The official partnership is the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (ApexBrasil). The support is from the unions of the footwear industries of Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Paraíba, Estância Velha, Sapiranga, Birigui, Campo Bom, Dois Irmãos, Jaú, Fortaleza, Farroupilha, Parobé, Franca, Igrejinha, Nova Serrana and Novo Hamburgo. 

More information and accreditation on the website

Check out the BFSHOW schedule 


9 AM - Opening of the gates  

5:30 PM - Walk with authorities at the fair 

7 PM - Closing of the gates  


9 AM - Opening of the gates 

11 AM - National and international press conference 

7 PM - Closing of the gates  


9 AM - Opening of the gates 

5 PM - Closing of the gates 

About Abicalçados 

Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results. 

About the organizers 

NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries. 


BFSHOW confirma mais de 150 compradores de 100 grupos internacionais 

The first edition of the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, a fair held by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) and operated by NürnbergMesse Brasil between November 21st and 23rd, at the FIERGS Events Center in Porto Alegre/RS, has already confirmed over 130 international buyers from more than 100 companies. From all continents, players come from 29 countries. Importers will be brought through projects carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) and NürnbergMesse Brasil. 

The executive president of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, highlights that the efforts of both the entity and its partners were fundamental to bring the importers. "We will have, at BFSHOW, some of the main players from each continent. We will make the fair, in its first edition, the most internationalized of the national footwear shows thanks to the support and union of the sector, which understood the importance of an event focused on business," comments the executive. 

The CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, emphasizes that both the Brazilian exhibitor and retailer and the importer who visits BFSHOW will see an international-level fair, with a complete structure, facilitated logistics, ample parking, air-conditioned pavilions, meeting lounges, restaurants, and snack bars with varied food, among many other attributes. "The expertise of the international standard team at NürnbergMesse Brasil provides for the implementation of exhibitor segmentation, a practice at the main commercial fairs in the sector worldwide. Certainly, it will be a fair that will enter the history of the national footwear industry," comments Picolo. 


Among the partners of the fair for international attraction is ApexBrasil, which since 2000 has maintained, together with the footwear entity, Brazilian Footwear. The Agency's Business Director, Ana Repezza, highlights that the program supports 312 Brazilian companies present in all regions of the country. "Together, ApexBrasil and Abicalçados promote a traditional and internationally recognized industry for quality and sustainability. We are very honored to actively participate in the first edition of BFSHOW, providing the coming of international buyers and opinion makers," comments the director, highlighting the strength of the Brazilian footwear sector, which produces annually more than 850 million pairs and exports about 15% to more than 170 countries. In addition to buyers, Brazilian Footwear promotes the coming of seven journalists and five international influencers. Guests from Argentina, Colombia, Spain, and Italy come to Porto Alegre through the Image and Influencers projects. 

Buyers from the markets of South Africa, Australia, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Guatemala, Kuwait, Libya, Mozambique, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, United Kingdom, Dominican Republic, Tanzania, and Uruguay are confirmed at BFSHOW. 

Union enhanced 

In addition to specific support for BFSHOW's internationalization, Abicalçados and NürnbergMesse Brasil have the sponsorship of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae). Adriana Menegaz, the Fashion Manager at Sebrae Nacional, emphasizes that the support reaffirms the organization's commitment to fostering the growth of the footwear sector and getting closer to these entrepreneurs. 'Sebrae's goal is to promote a stronger connection with this important sector, generate business, and encourage innovation and the exchange of knowledge among players in the national fashion industry,' says the manager.

The unions of the industries of Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Paraíba, Estância Velha, Sapiranga, Birigui, Campo Bom, Dois Irmãos, Jaú, Fortaleza, Farroupilha, Parobé, Franca, Igrejinha, Nova Serrana, and Novo Hamburgo also support the realization of BFSHOW.

 Check for more information – registration, exhibitor list, etc. – on the website.

About the organizers  

NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries. 

About Abicalçados  

Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results. 


BFSHOW will bring together more than 100 exclusive brands and thousands of retailers and importers.

Less than a month before its realization, the first edition of the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, taking place from November 21 to 23 at the FIERGS Events Center in Porto Alegre, RS, holds great expectations for exhibitors and retailers. The fair, featuring over 100 of the leading national brands in its first edition, expects more than 10,000 Brazilian retailers and buyers from all continents. BFSHOW is organized by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) in partnership with NürnbergMesse Brasil. 

One of the confirmed groups at BFSHOW is Oscar, one of the largest in the country with 180 stores across the interior of São Paulo, Vale do Paraíba, Triângulo Mineiro, Joinville/SC, Alagoas, and Paraíba. "I believe that 2024 will be a very challenging year for retail, and this type of event, in addition to strengthening the footwear sector, allows us to exchange information with manufacturers and other market players. This is the first time this fair is happening, and I hope to find a lot of information to select products for Winter 24," says the group's product manager, Elisa Gasparetto Indalecio. She points out that since the network develops part of the women's collection as a private label, it is important to find good manufacturers for these developments and exclusive projects. "Being at an event with this quality of exhibitors always creates an opportunity for good business," she concludes. 

The director of the Dinni group, which has 27 stores in Bahia, Sergipe, and Rio Grande do Norte, Alberto Rocha Nunes Filho, emphasizes that, given the confirmed brands, the expectations for BFSHOW are quite positive. "We are expecting a lot from the fair organized by Abicalçados, which brings big brands from all segments and footwear clusters. The fair will be important not only for generating business but also for contributing to fashion trend studies and insights," he assesses. 

International Presence 
In addition to the major Brazilian retail groups, BFSHOW has confirmed the presence of more than 100 importers from around the world in projects carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) and NürnbergMesse Brasil. 

One of the confirmed importers at the fair is Carlos Alberto Londoño of Grulla y Wellco from Colombia. "For our company, it is very important to keep up with the evolution of the Brazilian footwear industry through BFSHOW. We hope to find great brands and achieve good business to further integrate the Brazilian and Colombian markets," says the buyer. The group is one of the leading players in the Colombian e-commerce.  

According to Abicalçados, data shows that Colombia has been buying more Brazilian footwear in 2023. According to the organization's data, more than 6.9 million pairs were exported there between January and September, a 4.4% increase from the same period last year. Currently, Colombia is the fourth main destination for Brazilian footwear (in pairs) abroad. 

The Ne Lochlan group, a footwear distributor in Costa Rica, comes to Brazil in search of sports, children's, men's, and women's shoes. The company's president, Alejandro Venegas Benito, emphasizes that being at the fair is very relevant, especially for strengthening the relationship with Brazilian brands they already work with and for exploring new products and options. "Another important factor is the significant presence of international buyers, as the exchange of experiences between markets is very valuable." 

According to Abicalçados, in 2023, industry production growth is expected to be between 1% and 1.7%, surpassing 860 million pairs. Expectations are quite positive for BFSHOW, especially in the domestic market, which is expected to grow by 3% over the course of this year. Check the confirmed brands and register on the website. 

About the organizers  
NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries. 

About Abicalçados  
Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results. 


Projecting 15% growth for the year, Usaflex is confirmed at BFSHOW. 

With 25 years of tradition, Usaflex is currently experiencing one of its best moments. The company, headquartered in Igrejinha/RS, anticipates growth in both the number of pairs produced and revenue throughout 2023. To achieve this, they are focusing on expanding through single-brand franchises and investing more than R$ 36 million throughout the year, which will increase production capacity by over 28% to 36,000 pairs produced daily. 

Ending 2022 with a revenue of R$ 520 million, the company aims to reach the figure of R$ 600 million in 2023, representing a growth of 15.3%. To achieve this goal, in addition to franchise expansion, the footwear company from Rio Grande do Sul has invested in expanding its production and significant media promotion of its products. "Recently, we achieved one of our main goals, which was to expand the manufacturing unit in Igrejinha, with an investment of R$ 36 million. This increased our production capacity from 28,000 to 36,000 pairs daily, a growth of over 28%," says Usaflex CEO, Sergio Bocayuva. 


Another strategic move by the company is its participation in the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, a footwear exhibition organized by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) and operated by NürnbergMesse Brazil on November 21-23, in FIERGS, Porto Alegre/RS. At the event, Usaflex plans to introduce innovative technologies, such as the Gel Cushion and a comfort-focused technology that allows shoes to be put on without using hands. 

According to Bocayuva, the development of this technology began in 2021 when Usaflex identified the growing demand for solutions that simplify the act of putting on shoes, offering comfort and well-being to consumers. "Furthermore, it's an inclusive product as it facilitates use by individuals with upper limb disabilities," highlights the CEO. He adds that the key to this technology lies in the shoe's anatomy, which features a rear piece - the counter - that offers a larger area for the heel to slide into the shoe, along with the use of innovative materials like niobium, which enhances overall durability. 

Expectations for the product's launch are high at Usaflex. "Presenting an innovative product like this at an exhibition that aims to revolutionize the concept of trade shows in the country is significant. We have very high expectations for the product's reception because BFSHOW is an exhibition that not only attracts some of the major international players but also numerous retailers from major consumption centers in Brazil," the manager predicts. 

Created to be the leading footwear exhibition in Brazil, bringing together all the industry's regions and segments, BFSHOW will feature over 100 exclusive brands at the exhibition, including Usaflex. 

More about Usaflex 

Founded in 1998 in the city of Igrejinha, Rio Grande do Sul, Usaflex is a pioneer and leader in the manufacture of leather shoes and bags that prioritize innovation, style, and comfort for women. With a production capacity of up to 25,000 pairs of shoes per day, the brand stands out for incorporating technology into more than 50 different product lines, which can be purchased through the online store, multi-brand retailers, or one of the 300 franchises spread throughout the national territory. By the end of 2023, Usaflex aims to reach a total of 340 stores in Brazil." 


BFSHOW Shoe Fair will feature over 100 exclusive brands  

Created to be Brazil's main footwear fair, bringing together all sectors of the industry, the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, announced that, less than 60 days before its opening, 96% of exhibition spaces have already been sold, with the presence of the country's leading brands. Of the confirmed brands, over 100 will be exclusively at BFSHOW in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The fair, promoted by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) and operated by NürnbergMesse Brasil, will hold its first edition from November 21 to 23 at the FIERGS Events Center in the state capital. 

One of the major companies exclusively confirmed for BFSHOW is Vulcabras, from Parobé, Rio Grande do Sul. According to the group's CEO, Pedro Bartelle, the choice of the fair is strategic for strengthening the Brazilian footwear sector. "Vulcabras understands the importance of positioning Brazil, technology, and innovation in the Brazilian footwear sector. It is an opportunity to once again discuss the significance of the largest footwear industry outside of Asia, one of the most sustainable in the world," he comments.  

PG4 Galleria, a high-value-added men's footwear manufacturer from Franca, São Paulo, has also secured its presence exclusively at BFSHOW. The company's director, Giuliano Spinelli, emphasizes that the leading brands in each segment will be at the fair, positioning it as the main and most attractive business fair in the sector in Brazil. "The focus will be on business, so retailers or importers who attend the event will be in the right place for their supply, as they will find the leading brands from all niches, segments, and regions," he evaluates.  

Representing a segment that will be almost entirely present at BFSHOW, Carlos Mestriner, director of Klin, highlights that the fair will feature the best in Brazilian children's footwear. "We are sure that we will see quality business at a unique fair prepared to position Brazil as one of the world's leading players in the sector," he emphasizes.  

From the segment of comfortable women's footwear, Sergio Bocayuva, CEO of Usaflex, is another enthusiast of the event. "In a world of constant transformations, the footwear sector appears to have great potential for evolution. For this, we need a new fair, a new business model in trade shows. BFSHOW is the fair for Brazilian footwear entrepreneurs who want to innovate, offer better service to their customers, create professional business connections, and expand their horizons," he says.  

Industry Unity 

Haroldo Ferreira, the executive president of Abicalçados, highlights that the success of BFSHOW is the result of the unity of the national footwear sector, which for the most part understands the importance of having an internationally renowned fair that will result in investments in the sector through projects and not for a private company. "Proof of this is that over 90% of the brands at BFSHOW will be exclusively with us and not at any other fair. Certainly, both national and international buyers who come to the fair will be positively satisfied to find the leading brands in each segment in an environment fully prepared for business transactions. It will be a true showcase of Brazilian footwear," he comments.  

One of the highlights of the first edition of BFSHOW is the unity in support of the event, with companies understanding that it is a joint effort to strengthen the industry. According to Ferreira, BFSHOW is a moment that marks the history of the footwear industry. "In over 130 years of footwear production in Brazil, we have never had a fair organized by the entrepreneurs themselves and focused entirely on business and transparency. We are experiencing a historic moment of unity for the strengthening of the entire sector. We have the support of 16 footwear industry unions from all over Brazil, in addition to the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (ApexBrasil), which is our official partner," he says. ApexBrasil is one of the supporters of the BFSHOW Buyer Project, which will bring over 100 international buyers from all continents. 

A New Model for Trade Shows in Brazil 
NürnbergMesse Brasil, the promoter company associated with the German NürnbergMesse Group responsible for organizing BFSHOW, reports that more than 10,000 buyers are expected to visit the first edition of the footwear fair. "BFSHOW has already been a success since its announcement. Following an international trend of major trade shows, such as Micam Milano, which is promoted by the Italian footwear association, the fair was created by the market and for the market, channeling resources to reinvest in the sector through its industry association. It is a new model for footwear fairs emerging in Brazil," comments NürnbergMesse Brasil CEO João Paulo Picolo. 

Registration for the first edition of BFSHOW is open on the website, where confirmed brands and other event information can be found.  

About Abicalçados 

Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results. 

About the organizers 

NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries. 


With investments of R$ 9 million, Boaonda is preparing for expansion. 

Boaonda, an injected footwear industry based in Sapiranga, Rio Grande do Sul, is increasing its presence in the sector's market through significant investments. According to the footwear company, this year's investments in expanding the factory, machinery, and equipment are expected to total more than R$ 9 million.  

The brand's manager, Cássio Romani, explains that the expansion of the factory will be ready in the first half of next year and will require a total investment of over R$ 4 million. "Regarding machinery and equipment, with an investment of R$ 5 million, some are already in operation, and the rest are on their way," says the businessman, adding that the flagship investment is in an injection machine for EVA raw material. 


Despite considering the year "challenging," with instability in both domestic and international markets, Romani expresses confidence in good results, especially due to the work the brand has been doing with its customers, always focusing on quality, comfort, and sustainability. "The estimate is to grow by 12% in production in 2023," he projects.  

One of Boaonda's commercial promotion strategies is participating in the world's major footwear fairs. In Brazil, the company's next stop is at the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, a footwear exhibition organized by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) and operated by NürnbergMesse Brasil, taking place from November 21 to 23 at the FIERGS Events Center in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. 

About the company 

Recently, the Mould Group, which is the "parent company" of Boaonda, celebrated its 28-year history. It currently employs more than 300 workers who produce approximately 1.5 million pairs of shoes per year, with 18% of them being exported to over 30 countries.  


Bibi will participate in the 1st edition of BFSHOW in Porto Alegre, Brazil. 

Calçados Bibi, a pioneering brand in the children's footwear market, has confirmed its presence at the first edition of the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW. The fair will take place from November 21st to 23rd in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, at the FIERGS Events Center. At the event, organized by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) and organized by NürnbergMesse Brasil, Bibi will showcase its Winter 2024 collection to national and international buyers. The company will join more than 100 of Brazil's top footwear brands, expecting over 10,000 visitors from Brazil and abroad. 

BFSHOW is considered a showcase for Brazilian footwear, offering opportunities for clients to discover the diversity and quality of women's, men's, children's, and sports shoes from various sizes and production centers. This initiative will have two annual editions, with the second one scheduled for May 21st to 23rd, 2024, featuring the launch of the Spring/Summer 2025 collection, this time in São Paulo at the Transamérica Expo Center.  

"Bibi has chosen BFSHOW to participate and launch the Winter 2024 collection for multi-brand channels and some importers in the region. This will be the first edition of the trade fair, but we are with the footwear sector, which conducted researches in partnership with manufacturers and other channels, seeking to enable a new trade show format, to be held in Porto Alegre, and to bring improvements to the logistics of participating brands and visitors. Given all this, we have good expectations to start promoting our new collection for children aged 0 to 9. Thus, we aim to put our purpose into practice, which is to do good by aiding children's development through comfortable and quality products," emphasizes the brand's president, Andrea Kohlrausch. 

Currently, Bibi has over 150 stores worldwide, with 20 of them located in Latin American countries. With two manufacturing plants in Parobé, Rio Grande do Sul, and Cruz das Almas, Bahia, the brand produces over 2.6 million pairs of shoes annually. About 20% of these are destined for export to more than 60 countries across five continents. Bibi also has a strong presence in its own e-commerce channel and in more than 3,000 multi-brand stores in different regions of Brazil.  

About Calçados Bibi:  

Promoting natural and healthy development for the age group of 0 to 9 is one of the fundamental principles of Calçados Bibi. The brand is a pioneer and leader in developing products based on research and scientific studies. It gained recognition in the industry through the development of non-toxic, physiological shoes and its exclusive Fisioflex Bibi insole technology, which provides the sensation of walking barefoot. With the purpose of doing good, one step at a time, Bibi, wichh was founded in 1949 and became a reference in the children's footwear market, aims to promote sustainable practices, encourage the healthy development of future generations, and fulfill its social responsibilities for building a better world. With factories in Parobé, Rio Grande do Sul, and Cruz das Almas, Bahia, it produces more than 2.6 million pairs/items annually. Present in over 60 countries across five continents, in Brazil, it is in 3,000 multi-brand retail points, as well as operating an e-commerce platform and a franchise network with more than 150 stores. The company is the first footwear manufacturer certified with the Diamond Sustainability Seal, attesting to its commitment to initiatives in industrial processes, as well as the development of actions in line with the core principles established by the Sustainable Origin program: Environmental, Economic, Cultural, and Social. 


BFSHOW brings fashion content to retailers

The first edition of the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, which takes place from November 21st to 23rd at the FIERGS Exhibition & Convention Centre in Porto Alegre, Brazil, announces a partnership with INSPIRAMAIS for fashion curation. Through this partnership, the trade show organized by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) in conjunction with NürnbergMesse Brasil will publish fashion content via email marketing and its social media channels starting in September.

Letícia Sperb Masselli, Project Manager at Abicalçados, explains that the goal of the partnership is to provide light and easy-to-consume content for the retailers attending the event. "The content should contribute to greater accuracy and confidence during the purchasing process, as it will present fashion and consumer trends for Winter 2024 collection, which will be launched at BFSHOW in November 2023," she comments.

Rico Azeredo, Head of Business Development at NürnbergMesse Brasil, believes that the content, curated by Walter Rodrigues, the coordinator of the Design and Research Center of the Brazilian Association of Leather, Footwear, and Artifact Components Companies (Assintecal), will enhance the visitors' experience. "We are envisioning a distinctive trade show, aligned with the best practices of international events, focused on participant experience, product segmentation, and high-quality, relevant content for the industry as a whole," emphasizes Mr. Azeredo. He adds that more than 10,000 people are expected to visit the FIERGS Exhibition & Convention Centre over the three-day event.


Designer Walter Rodrigues, who will curate the content, explains that the foundation of the work will be the Homo Faber research, which was presented in materials during the most recent edition of INSPIRAMAIS event in July. "The Homo Faber theme aims to showcase this creative individual, bridging the gap between manual work and artificial intelligence," Rodrigues said. The research highlights pragmatism and manual skill as guiding principles, emphasizing that originality is crucial to capture the consumer's attention. The research also highlights the stimulation brought about by materials and products, as well as the geometry present in checks, model angles, shoe shapes, weaves, and 3D prints. Themes like seduction, hypertextures, and western influences are also explored, alongside sustainability in the production process, reflected in products with floral patterns and earthy tones.

BFSHOW has the official partnership of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) and the support of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), Assintecal, and footwear industry syndicates from various regions.

About Abicalçados

Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About the organizers

NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.


BFSHOW takes place in partnership with 16 footwear industry associations

The first edition of the Brazilian Footwear Show - BFSHOW, happening from November 21st to 23rd at the FIERGS Exhibition & Convention Centre in Porto Alegre, Brazil, will be a milestone in the history of the footwear industry. This is because, besides being a distinctive trade show in terms of logistics, cost optimization, transparency in numbers - all audited -, segmented and internationalized visitation, the event already has a significant support network of 16 footwear industry associations from all over Brazil.

Leading the organization of the first national trade show promoted by the market for the footwear market, with a strong focus on business, is the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados), in partnership with the promoter NürnbergMesse Brasil. The executive president of the footwear entity, Haroldo Ferreira, highlights that, in addition to being a business platform for the industry, BFSHOW is becoming a link uniting the representative entities of the main footwear manufacturing hubs in Brazil, from North to South of the country. "It's nearly unanimous in the market that we needed changes in the industry's launch calendar. Since the inception, when the idea of a trade show organized by Abicalçados started being discussed, we had a democratic process that involved all parties, potential exhibitors, and retailers. I believe this fact was crucial in forming this unprecedented support network in our field," evaluates the executive. 

CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, emphasizes the importance of unity and synergy among the representative entities of the sector. "Undoubtedly, this support network created around BFSHOW will provide an extra boost to the most important national footwear fair in Brazil. In addition to already having over 70% of Brazilian footwear hubs represented at the event, BFSHOW will feature a significant diversity of companies, profiles, and products, which should attract more retailers and international buyers from major global players," he projects.

Sindifranca: Long-awaited demand

The President of the Footwear Industry Union of Franca (Sindifranca), José Carlos Brigagão, highlights that Abicalçados has historically worked towards the advancement of the footwear industry. "The initiative to create BFSHOW was another response to a long-standing demand from the industry for a fair that would unite events in Brazil to strengthen footwear business. The fair, bearing the internationally recognized Brazilian Footwear brand, will attract an uncountable number of retailers and importers to Brazil," he evaluates. According to Brigagão, the established strategy of reaching out to the United States, Europe, and the Middle East will further enhance international participation. "Certainly, BFSHOW will soon become a must-attend event in the international fashion calendar. We at Sindifranca, responsible for the Espaço Moda Franca collective, will be present at this historic event," he proudly states.

Sicergs: Support for development

The President of the Footwear Industry Union of Rio Grande do Sul (Sicergs), Renato Klein, points out that the initiative is yet another one that supports the development of the Brazilian footwear sector. "Representing the largest exporter among all Brazilian states, in terms of revenue from footwear exports, Sicergs is very pleased to support this initiative for the industry. The national footwear industry, which has long suffered from a serious deindustrialization process, increasingly needs solutions that help both domestic and international sales. BFSHOW, born with the proposal of being a fair made by footwear professionals for footwear professionals, with a clear market orientation and a focus on business, is a fair that will certainly contribute to the development of our sector through commercial promotion and image," he highlights. Klein emphasizes that the event has an extremely experienced team with a broad background in organizing Brazilian participation in some of the world's largest footwear fairs.

Sinbi: Unity of companies

The President of the Footwear and Apparel Industry Union of Birigui (Sinbi), Renato Ramires, highlights that BFSHOW has united not only entrepreneurs from the local footwear hub but from all over Brazil in support of industry development. "The fair allows for the presentation and valorization of products, regardless of company size or market niche. Certainly, it will play a key role in increasing national and international visibility for the involved brands," he comments. For him, the fair also reinforces the sector's representativeness, putting companies at the forefront of the event's consolidation process. "Our expectations are very positive, as we believe BFSHOW will create opportunities with both national and international retailers, aligning companies according to buyer demand," Ramires projects, emphasizing the crucial role of ApexBrasil in attracting qualified buyers from major international players. 

Dois Irmãos and Bahia: a new fair culture

Paulo Vicente Bender, President of the footwear industry unions of Dois Irmãos and Bahia, believes in the fair's success, especially for the innovation it represents in creating a "new culture" in the sector. He points out that while BFSHOW strongly works on the potential of the largest non-Asian footwear industry on the international stage, it unites companies from all Brazilian hubs. "The partnership between Abicalçados and the industry unions primarily facilitates the exchange of local and national information and experiences, providing a better future perspective for the activity. My expectation is optimistic, both for the domestic and international markets," he evaluates.

Sindinova: Perfect match

The Chief Financial Officer of the Inter-municipal Footwear Industry Union of Nova Serrana (Sindinova), Júnior César Silva, emphasizes that the relevance of BFSHOW lies mainly in the fact that the organization has always listened to entrepreneurs regarding setup, promotion, costs, etc., something that was not the case with conventional fairs in the market. "BFSHOW is already capturing the attention of companies from our Nova Serrana hub, and therefore, the partnership between Abicalçados and Sindinova is even more relevant. Many companies here, often due to budget constraints, wouldn't be able to participate individually, but now they can join a collective space through this partnership," he explains. According to Júnior, the expectations for business are positive, especially because the fair has a focus on business rather than just promotion and prospecting. "Our expectation is that factories will leave BFSHOW with actual sales made. I believe that, combining Abicalçados' expertise with that of entrepreneurs who are already accustomed to participating in national and international fairs, the fair will be a success. It's a perfect match," concludes the leader.

SIC NH: Support in uncertain times

For the President of the Footwear Industry Union of Novo Hamburgo (SIC NH), Paulo Ricardo da Silva, the fair should aid the footwear sector in its recovery during an "still uncertain" time, with fluctuating domestic markets and difficulties caused by the slowdown of the international economy and China's re-entry into the footwear market. "The representative entities have a significant role and challenge of not only constantly seeking better production conditions with public authorities but also pointing out the best paths for company competitiveness, from inside the factory. In this sense, we believe that Abicalçados, through BFSHOW, is pursuing the best for the sector, optimizing costs, and focusing on business to supply both the national and international retail markets, with the vital support of ApexBrasil," he comments. Regarding the importance of the integration between Abicalçados and the Brazilian footwear hubs, the leader emphasizes that unity is crucial. "Abicalçados is the umbrella for the issues we work on in the hubs. This closeness for the strengthening of BFSHOW is essential for that reason, as it brings another business opportunity to companies and shows that the industry's strength is distributed all over Brazil," he adds.

Sindicalçados: Important solution

The Footwear Industry Union of Jaú (Sindicalçados) has long been a partner of Abicalçados, acting as a regional arm of development in one of the fastest-growing footwear hubs in Brazil. According to the President of the union, Luis Felipe Rodomonte de Souza, the initiative to hold BFSHOW is an important solution as it optimizes costs in a trade show that is truly business-focused and is expected to attract thousands of Brazilian and international buyers, first to Porto Alegre and then to São Paulo. "Having a serious and committed entity like Abicalçados leading BFSHOW is a guarantee that the event is already successful. And we, the Brazilian footwear manufacturers, are the ones who benefit," he says.

Sindigrejinha: Market dynamism

The Chief Financial Officer of the Inter-municipal Footwear Industry Union of Nova Serrana (Sindinova), Júnior César Silva, emphasizes that the relevance of BFSHOW lies mainly in the fact that the organization has always listened to entrepreneurs regarding setup, promotion, costs, etc., something that was not the case with conventional fairs in the market. "BFSHOW is already capturing the attention of companies from our Nova Serrana hub, and therefore, the partnership between Abicalçados and Sindinova is even more relevant. Many companies here, often due to budget constraints, wouldn't be able to participate individually, but now they can join a collective space through this partnership," he explains. According to Júnior, the expectations for business are positive, especially because the fair has a focus on business rather than just promotion and prospecting. "Our expectation is that factories will leave BFSHOW with actual sales made. I believe that, combining Abicalçados' expertise with that of entrepreneurs who are already accustomed to participating in national and international fairs, the fair will be a success. It's a perfect match," concludes the leader.

The fair

Less than four months away from its realization, the first edition of BFSHOW already has over 100 confirmed brands, occupying more than 90% of the available exhibition spaces at the FIERGS Exhibition & Convention Centre. NürnbergMesse Brasil, a promoter company linked to the German NürnbergMesse group, reports an estimate of over 150 brands, fully occupying the 12,000 square meters of the venue. 

The brands ADG Export, Adrun, Ma Belle Calçados, Anatomic Gel, Andacco, Batatinha, BTA, Bebecê, b/green, Bibi, Boaonda, Bottero, Byara, Camin, Carrano, Cravo & Canela, Crômic, D Capri, Dakota, Kolosh, Mississipi, Tanara, Campesí, Pink Cats, Kolway, Democrata, Di Valentini, Improviso, Mormaii, Dilly Sports, West Coast, Ferracini 24h, Freeway, Gogowear Calçados, Guilhermina, Itapuã, New Face, JM Shoes, Kidy, K360, Minecraft, Corinthians, Klin, Levecomfort, Leveterapia, Sua Cia, Mini sua Cia, Lynd, Macboot Calçados, Ortopasso, Pampili, Pampili Mini, Tweenie, Calçados Pegada, PG4, Piccadilly, Pimpolho, Colorê, Plugt, Ramarim, Comfortflex, Randall, Savelli, SVL Footwear, Scatamacchia, Star Flex, Stir Calçados, Strike, Aramis, Coca-cola Shoes, Colcci, Diversão Calçados, Forum, Hurley, Street, Redley, Kenner, Rainha, Topper, Usaflex, Via Marte, Via Uno, Villarosa, Villione, Vizzia, Mac Colors, Macarena, Delta Sport, Léo Kids, Vizzia Kids, Léo Baby, Bia Baby, Vulcabras - apresentando as tecnologias Mizuno, Olympikus e Under Armour -, Walk Way, Wirth, World Colors, LPS, Hello Kitty, Alex Senne, Classe Couro, Djean, U Frog, Ortopé, Zetti Bolsas and Viccini are confirmed in the first edition of BFSHOW.

The realization of BFSHOW is supported by the industry unions of Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Paraíba, Estância Velha, Sapiranga, Birigui, Campo Bom, Dois Irmãos, Jaú, Fortaleza, Farroupilha, Parobé, Franca, Igrejinha, Nova Serrana, and Novo Hamburgo.