
BFSHOW should confirm positive outlook of footwear sector

Considered the main footwear trade show in Brazil, BFSHOW, which takes place in the Anhembi District, in São Paulo/Brazil, on November 11-13, has been generating good expectations for the national footwear sector. According to the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), which promotes the exhibition with the organization of NürnbergMesse Brasil, footwear production increased by 2.7% between January and May, compared to the same period last year. For the year, the growth estimated by the entity is over 2% and will be driven, above all, by the domestic market, which accounts for more than 85% of sales in the sector.

The CEO of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, says that, despite the instabilities, especially in the international scenario, the footwear industry is growing, with fundamental support from domestic consumption, which should exceed 800 million pairs in 2024, in a growth that can reach more than 3% when compared to 2023. "BFSHOW, once again, will be instrumental in confirming this positive expectation. For the trade show, the presence of large networks of the national and also international market is expected, and they will have the opportunity to supply their stores in an exhibition that presents collections of companies that account for more than 80% of national footwear production”, highlights the director, adding that, at BFSHOW, exhibitors from all segments, sizes and footwear poles are expected. “The diversity of footwear found at the trade show is certainly the biggest in Brazil. At BFSHOW, buyers will be in touch with a fairly complete range of the biggest shoe industry in the west. The expectation, given the need to supply stores after a positive first half of the year, is the best possible”, projects the executive.

Strategic Location
The CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, points out that the strategic location of BFSHOW, in the Anhembi District, in the financial capital of Latin America, also favors the presence of major national and international players from all regions of Brazil and the world. "Visitation is a great differential of BFSHOW, because the trade show takes place in a privileged place not only for the structure of international airports, but also for all the convenience of a hotel chain that has more than 7 thousand apartments within a 5 kilometers radius from our venues, as well as a wide choice of restaurants, culture and entertainment”, he evaluates.

Considered the main event center in Latin America, the traditional Anhembi District recently underwent a renovation that transformed its more than 64 thousand meters of exhibition area into one of the most functional and modern in the world, with living areas, green space and ample parking.



Date: November 11-13, 2024

Local: Distrito Anhembi, em São Paulo/SP



After the success of its second edition, which brought together 318 brands and more than 9 thousand visitors at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP, BFSHOW definitively grew roots in the business capital of Latin America. The third edition of the event will take place on November 11-13, 2024, in the newly renovated New Anhembi District. Considered the largest footwear trade show in Brazil, BFSHOW is an accomplishment of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) with organization by NürnbergMesse Brasil.

With 64 thousand square meters of Exhibition Area, Convention Center, hotel with more than 7 thousand apartments, restaurant of 1.3 thousand square meters and areas of coexistence and nature, the New Anhembi District represents an important step to make BFSHOW one of the main fairs of the sector in the world. The head of new business of NürnbergMesse Brasil, Rico Azeredo, points out that the location in São Paulo, considered the largest economic metropolis in Latin America, meets the strengthening of the national footwear sector. "São Paulo is a hub of connection with the world. With a fantastic infrastructure, with a wide hotel network, gastronomic and cultural options, the city is the economic center of the continent”, he highlights.

According to Rico, another differential is the chosen location,”which unites the tradition and history of one of the main exhibition parks in Latin America with an environment completely remodeled and adapted to the needs of exhibitors and buyers". Created in the 1970s, the exhibition park located at the Marginal Tietê saw the birth of some of the main national trade shows in the sector. The New Anhembi district, now under concession for GL Events, received more than R$1.5 billion in investments.

For the Relationship and Business manager of Abicalçados, Letícia Sperb Masselli, BFSHOW demonstrates the strength of the national footwear sector and the union in favor of the idea of having a professional trade show oriented to the needs of the market. “The trade show's growth, in the capital of São Paulo, is exponential due to the satisfaction we are feeling from both exhibitors and national and international buyers. BFSHOW will strengthen itself as a meeting point for the Brazilian footwear industry with buyers from the main footwear markets in the world”, emphasizes the manager.

After a year of difficulties in 2023, with a drop in production, the footwear sector is preparing to grow between 0.9% and 2.2% in 2024, reaching more than 870 million pairs produced. Abicalçados projects a growth of up to 3.8% in domestic footwear consumption throughout the year.

Date: November 11-13, 2024
Location: New Anhembi District, in São Paulo / SP

Watch the video of the New Anhembi District -


Maior feira de calçados do Brasil reúne iniciativas sustentáveis e de apoio social

A sustentabilidade é uma das principais pautas da indústria calçadista brasileira. Conta com iniciativas que vão desde o descarte correto dos resíduos de produção e o uso de materiais reciclados, como coco e bambu, até produções feitas 100% com energia solar. Compromisso com o meio ambiente que reflete também na organização da BFSHOW, maior feira do setor no Brasil, realizada entre os dias 21 e 23 de maio, no Transamerica Expo Center, em São Paulo.

O evento, realizado pela Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Calçados (Abicalçados) e organizado pela NürnbergMesse Brasil, espera dar o destino correto a aproximadamente 25 toneladas de lixo gerado dentro dos pavilhões. Antes mesmo de virar lei no Estado de São Paulo, a NürnbergMesse Brasil foi pioneira no país em promover a destinação correta dos resíduos de suas feiras de negócios. Um projeto iniciado em 2023, que apoia cooperativas de reciclagem e a economia circular. Nas sete grandes exposições promovidas pela empresa no ano passado, 107 toneladas de lixo foram destinadas para reciclagem. Pela iniciativa, tudo é reciclado dentro da feira, exceto os materiais orgânicos. São reaproveitados desde lixo seco de estandes e restaurantes até madeiras, carpetes, papéis, sinalizações, entre outros.

Com mais de 280 marcas expositoras confirmadas, a BFSHOW, que está em sua segunda edição, sendo a primeira realizada em São Paulo/SP, também buscará estimular expositores e visitantes a se engajarem nas causas ESG. Por isso, vai aproveitar o evento para calcular todo o gasto de carbono tanto da operação da feira quanto de expositores. “Precisamos mapear toda a cadeia para entender como esse primeiro evento em São Paulo vai funcionar. Assim, na próxima edição, em novembro deste ano, a Abicalçados e a NürnbergMesse Brasil vão se comprometer a compensar a pegada de carbono gerada pela operação da feira e convidar os expositores a fazerem o mesmo em seus estandes”, explica Caroline Guedes, coordenadora operacional de ESG da NürnbergMesse Brasil.

A empresa organizadora também terá uma portaria própria dentro do pavilhão para calcular dados de quantos caminhões serão usados, quanto eles pesam e a quantidade de funcionários envolvidos.

Para essa edição de maio, os expositores que quiserem já compensar as pegadas de carbono pela participação na feira poderão adquirir o selo Responsabilidade Compartilhada Nürnberg. Baseada na ISO 20121, é uma certificação para eventos sustentáveis. O selo pode inclusive ser usado nos relatórios de ESG das empresas. Já para a próxima edição, a organização prevê incluir no cálculo a pegada de carbono do público do evento. “Convidaremos o visitante, de forma voluntária, a entrar também nessa empreitada com a gente, nos ajudando nesse cálculo. Disponibilizamos no momento do credenciamento prévio e na saída do evento um formulário digital, onde ele vai preencher o local de partida, quantos dias participou da feira, se esteve acompanhado, entre outras informações”, complementa Caroline.

Para apoiar ainda mais a causa e dar visibilidade a produções feitas de forma sustentável pela indústria calçadista, o evento criou o espaço Arena de Sustentabilidade, uma vitrine que destacará a exposição BFSHOW Calçados Sustentáveis e a certificação Origem Sustentável, única no mundo que chancela empresas de toda a cadeia em suas ações de ESG. “Unimos em um espaço da feira iniciativas de conteúdo para o público conhecer mais sobre a certificação Origem Sustentável, e conhecer, também, dez empresas com calçados feitos de materiais sustentáveis” , adianta o gerente de Marketing e Estratégia da Abicalçados, Cristian Schlindwein.

Na última semana o Brasil acompanhou e se solidarizou com a tragédia que atingiu a maior parte do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As enchentes na região afetaram milhões de pessoas, causando perda de vidas e prejuízos em todos os setores da economia. Um deles é o calçadista – o polo do RS representa 24% da produção de calçados do Brasil, somando 1,8 mil empresas produtoras que empregam, diretamente, mais de 85 mil pessoas. Nesse momento, a próxima edição da BFSHOW terá um papel ainda mais relevante para as indústrias gaúchas, sendo fundamental para a continuidade desses negócios e, consequentemente, a manutenção de emprego e renda para as famílias atingidas pela catástrofe.

O evento contará com pontos de coleta de doações aos atingidos, não apenas em maio, mas também na edição de novembro. Outros eventos organizados pela NürnbergMesse Brasil durante o ano também receberão donativos. Além disso, a organização vem ajudando as empresas atingidas e fazendo doações de água, colchões e kits de limpeza. A Abicalçados, ao lado das entidades da cadeia, da Assintecal, do CICB, e de empresários, ainda encabeça um grande movimento de recuperação da cadeia calçadista do Estado. A ação, chamada Movimento Próximos Passos RS, captará recursos financeiros que serão direcionados à reestruturação das condições de vida das famílias calçadistas impactadas.

Outra ação social do evento será a inclusão: 10% das vagas na organização do evento serão destinadas à mão de obra social. Cerca de 320 pessoas trabalharão na organização e manutenção da feira. “Parte desses trabalhadores virá de uma parceria com a Apae Brasil, onde parte do receptivo do Hospitality Class, um espaço exclusivo para promover o encontro entre executivos do setor, será composto por pessoas com deficiência. Essa ação garante maior diversidade e inclusão no staff da BFSHOW”, afirma a especialista da NürnbergMesse Brasil.

About Abicalçados
Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About NürnbergMesse Brazil
NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.


Largest footwear fair in Brazil, BFSHOW moves the sector

The 2nd edition of the BFSHOW fair, which takes place between May 21st and 23rd, at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP, brings great expectations to the national footwear sector. The largest footwear fair in the country, the fair will bring together more than 300 brands that should receive an estimated visitation of more than 10 thousand people, from Brazil and abroad. The event is a realization of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with NürnbergMesse Brasil,

Good business expectations are driven primarily by three factors. Abicalçados' estimate of domestic market growth between 2.4% and 3.8% throughout 2024, and the fact that it is the only footwear fair on the period immediately after Mother's Day, the main national date for footwear retail, and for launching summer collections, responsible for 70% of the industry's sales in the sector. In the first edition, held in November last year, there were more than R$ 315 million in business with the foreign market alone. This year, the value should be exceeded by the listed factors. "Expectations are quite positive. We are feeling the industry and retail excited for the event and very willing to make the wheel turn again, especially due to the crisis generated by the climate catastrophe in Rio Grande do Sul”, comments the executive president of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira. According to him, the fair, which was born focused on the desires of the sector's market, even heard from companies affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, who chose to participate in the fair even in the midst of difficulties as a way to generate business and preserve jobs. “We have cases of Gaucho companies that canceled the participation and uncanceled it, because they understood the importance of the event at this time”, he concludes.

The CEO of NürnbergMesse Brasil, João Paulo Picolo, highlights the growth of the event, which in its second edition already became the main one for the footwear sector in the country. "It is a reason for pride for NürnbergMesse Brasil to be part of this ambitious project by Abicalçados, which has been uniting the footwear industry in Brazil", he highlights.

Optimistic exhibitors
One of the companies that are confirmed at BFSHOW is Grendene. The commercial director of the footwear company, Paulo Barth, points out that expectations for the fair are quite positive. “We believe that we will have a very significant number of customers visiting the fair, both from the domestic market and from the foreign market”, he predicts. According to him, the show, also due to the fact that it has confirmed large suppliers, should attract the attention of the main players in the market, being a relevant opportunity for the presentation of Summer collections, the most important one for Grendene. “The second semester is historically our most representative semester and we have a very positive expectation for the business we will carry out during BFSHOW”, highlights the director, adding that, in addition to the hot season's collections, the company will offer high-turnover products for prompt delivery.

With confirmed presence at BFSHOW, Petite Jolie is another company that will launch its summer products at the footwear fair held by Abicalçados. “We need to be where the customers are and our expectation is that they will be, largely, at the BFSHOW. In addition, participating in this moment, in which we have the possibility of seeing a new great fair performing in the city of São Paulo is very important for our visibility”, comments the National Commercial Manager of Petite Jolie, Ruy Ferreira. For BFSHOW, the shoemaker will take the entire team of regional representatives to welcome the shopkeepers. “The fair marks the presentation of the brand's Summer I collection, so the client will find all the novelties related to trends and colors of the most joyful season of the year,” says the director.

International presence
From the foreign market, at least 98 international groups from 31 countries are confirmed at BFSHOW, through the Brazilian Footwear Buyer Project, a program to support footwear exports maintained by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), and the Buyer Program, carried out by BFSHOW. Significant volume is expected with buyers from Argentina, Bolivia, Botswana, Chile, Colombia , Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mozambique, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Suriname, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Spain, United States and Uruguay.

During the BFSHOW, in addition to the buyers brought in a joint effort between Abicalçados, ApexBrasil and NürnbergMesse Brasil, the national footwear will be appreciated by thousands of other foreign visitors who will come on their own. According to NürnbergMesse Brasil, there are already more than 60 accredited countries.

Sustainable event
The Brazilian footwear show could not ignore sustainability, a theme in which the national industry of the sector is an international reference. During the fair, initiatives ranging from the correct disposal of production waste and the use of recycled materials such as coconut and bamboo, to productions made 100% with solar energy, will be present. According to NürnbergMesse Brasil, the estimate is to give the environmentally correct destination to tens of tons of waste that will be generated within the pavilions of the Transamerica Expo Center.

Even before becoming a law in the state of São Paulo, NürnbergMesse Brasil was a pioneer in the country in promoting the correct disposal of waste from its trade fairs. A project that begun in 2023, which supports recycling cooperatives and the circular economy. In the seven major exhibitions promoted by the company last year, 107 tons of garbage were allocated for recycling. Through the initiative, everything is recycled within the fair, except organic materials. They are reused from dry waste from stands and restaurants to wood, carpet, paper, signage, among others.

Solidarity with RS
Since the beginning of May, the floods in Rio Grande do Sul have generated a wave of solidarity. With the aim of supporting people affected by the climate catastrophe, BFSHOW will have donation collection points for those affected, not only in May, but also in its November edition, also in São Paulo. In addition, the organization has already been helping the affected companies and making donations of water, mattresses and cleaning kits and is a supporter of the Next Steps RS Movement, carried out by Abicalçados and entities in the footwear production chain. The action will raise financial resources that will be directed to the restructuring of the living conditions of the impacted footwear families.


Date: May 21-23
Location: Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo / SP
Mapa da feira: Baixe aqui



Faced with the impacts caused by the greatest climate tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul, a location that represents 24% of Brazil's footwear production, we are committed to strengthening the movement for the rebuilding of communities and industry in the regions affected by the floods. Currently, Rio Grande do Sul has more than 1.8 thousand footwear producing companies that directly employ more than 85 thousand people.

The teams of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) and NürnbergMesse Brasil, as organizers of the BFSHOW, dedicated time in recent days to listen to and welcome the exhibitors, especially those located in the affected areas. The fair at this time has an even more relevant role for the industries in Rio Grande do Sul, being fundamental for the continuity of these businesses and, consequently, the maintenance of employment and income for families affected by the catastrophe. BFSHOW will be held between May 21st and 23rd at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP, where all exhibiting brands, including the affected ones from Rio Grande do Sul, will be presenting their Spring/Summer collections.

Meet some of the initiatives that Abicalçados and NürnbergMesse Brasil have been working on:

- Contact and welcoming of affected companies
- Contacto y recepción de empresas afectadas

- Donations to affected families:
Abicalçados and NürnbergMesse Brasil are donating water, mattresses and cleaning kits.

- Articulation of resources and credit lines with government:
As a representative of the sector, Abicalçados has already formally requested support to the affected footwear regions through the fund raised by the state government.

- Fundraising campaign during the BFSHOW
BFSHOW and other events organized by NürnbergMesse Brasil will be donation collection points throughout the year.

- Creation of the Next Steps RS Movement
Abicalçados, Assintecal and CICB are leading a major movement to recover the footwear chain of the affected region. The action will raise financial resources that will be directed to the restructuring of the living conditions of the impacted footwear families.

Each of us - manufacturers, retailers, representatives, suppliers - is essential to continue moving the footwear economy in Brazil and in the world.


BFSHOW confirms collective stands of different footwear poles

With companies of all sizes, niches and Brazilian footwear poles, the 2nd edition of BFSHOW, which takes place between May 21st and 23rd, at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP, already has more than 270 confirmed brands that account for about 80% of the footwear industry's annual production (over 900 million pairs). The largest national fair in the sector has its accreditation open on the website, where the list of confirmed brands is also available.

At the same time that it brings confirmed giants, such as Alpargatas, Calçados Beira Rio, Grendene and Vulcabras, the fair will have micro and small companies with great potential for growth in collective spaces. One of those already confirmed is the Estação Moda RS, carried out by the Brazilian Service for Support to Micro and Small Companies in the State (Sebrae/RS). In total, 15 Gaucho footwear brands from different segments and niches are already confirmed. The Regional Manager of Sebrae Sinos, Caí and Paranhana, Marco Copetti, points out that participation generates good expectations. “The presence of these companies in an event the size of BFSHOW, more than generating business, helps in the adoption of development strategies, in terms of trends, prices, products, among other attributes,” he says. According to him, BFSHOW is aligned with the need to renew and strengthen the trade fair segment, which is very relevant to the activity.

The largest producer of men's shoes, the Franca/SP pole has also reserved its collective space. Today with 10 confirmed companies, the footwear from Franca will be at BFSHOW. The president of the Union of Footwear Industries of Franca (Sindifranca), João Carlos Brigagão, points out that the exhibition is the “realization of an old dream of the sector”. “The largest domestic industry outside Asia needed to have its own trade fair, focused on exactly what matters most: good domestic and international business,” he says. According to him, the move of the exhibition to São Paulo, “the heart of Latin America”, brings great expectations for the exhibiting companies. "Our expectations are high and we have no doubt that they will be exceeded,” concludes Brigagão.

Industry advocacy
In addition to the differential of being a fair totally focused on business, with transparency and focus on the well-being of exhibitors and shopkeepers, BFSHOW is a tool in defense of the activity, since the resources generated by the Ffair will be reinvested in sector development actions through its class association. "Abicalçados acts in defense of the sector and this was the case in the first edition, in Porto Alegre/RS, when we received great feedback. Naturally, the consolidation of this event as the main sector fair is unquestionable and expectations are even higher for the next edition, in São Paulo”, comments the president of the Union of the Jaú Footwear Industry (Sindicalçados Jaú), Luis Felipe Rodomonte de Souza. For the director, within a challenging context that Brazilian footwear is going through, participation in BFSHOW becomes even more important for companies to find new channels of relationship with the market. Currently, eight companies are confirmed in the Jaú collective.

Nova Serrana stepping up
The second edition of BFSHOW will have a space dedicated to Nova Serrana Fair and Fashion, which already has 37 brands of the footwear pole of Nova Serrana confirmed in more than 700sqm. Promoted by the Intermunicipal Union of Footwear Industries of Nova Serrana (Sindinova), the space provides a showcase for the quality and diversity of products manufactured in the region. “With its expertise recognized in the national and international scene, companies in Nova Serrana have the opportunity to exhibit their collections and boost business,” said Ronaldo Lacerda, president of Sindinova. According to him, the fact that the fair is held by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with NürnbergMesse Brasil, guarantees the greater scope of the poles represented in the event, which does not occur in regionalized fairs. “The fair's move to São Paulo will certainly generate a lot of business, because BFSHOW will be strengthened by its proximity to the largest consumer market for footwear in Brazil, which is in the Southeast region,” projects the director, stressing that BFSHOW is the legitimate “win-win” process, since it will be fundamental for exhibitors and will also facilitate the purchase by Brazilian retailers and importers.

Second edition
After a successful first edition, in Porto Alegre / RS, BFSHOW moves to São Paulo due to a market need. The fair was created by the market and with full guidance to its wishes. Thus, the Abicalçados Fair Committee decided to move the event to São Paulo due to the greater logistical ease for the presence of national and international buyers.

According to Abicalçados, expectations are quite positive, taking into account that the BFSHOW in May will present Spring-Summer collections, which represent more than 70% of sales in the national footwear industry.

About Abicalçados
Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About the organizers
NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.


Buyers look for trends and good deals at the 2nd edition of BFSHOW

With less than a month to go until the 2nd BFSHOW, held by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with NürnbergMesse Brasil, the meeting consolidates itself in the market as the largest footwear fair in Brazil and generates expectation among confirmed visitors. With 270 brands already confirmed and a growth of more than 100% in the exhibition area and the confirmed presence of the main footwear market players in Brazil, BFSHOW expects to receive 10 thousand national and international buyers between May 21st and 23rd, at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo (SP). In this edition, it will be possible to know firsthand the new releases of the Spring-Summer 2025 collections of the Brazilian footwear sector.

This is the main expectation of the designer Gustavo Silva, from Serafine, from Minas Gerais. The clothing brand is in its third shoe collection and takes advantage of BFSHOW to meet new suppliers and what will be trending for the next season. “I want to see the novelties with regard to materials, soles and colors. It is important for us to select partners and suppliers that are aligned with the trends of our clothing collection. The first edition of the fair was excellent for us, as we were looking for important suppliers. The range offered by BFSHOW is excellent and we expect that in São Paulo this volume of options will be even greater and we will find new suppliers for the brand”.

Another buyer confirmed for the event in São Paulo is Humberto Costa, representative of Grupo Planeta Jeans, a chain of six stores in Paraná. "We hope not only to find the trends for the summer, but also to strengthen the relationship between shopkeeper and factory. The proximity offered by BFSHOW also guarantees us the possibility of doing new business, finding other manufacturers, other products and allowing us to make good deals also in our stores.” Same goal as Mohamad Abdul Majid, from the importer Sad Trading, from Mozambique. “The fair offers networking, new business and partnerships opportunities, in addition to putting on display the new trends for the summer - the next collection to be marketed in Brazil and also in Mozambique.”

The fair has been generating high expectations to visitors from all over Brazil. "Sao Paulo will be a great stage. A place where we will find representatives, manufacturers, importers, exporters and shopkeepers all in one place. We will definitely make great purchases and good deals and thus keep our stores more and more updated with new trends in the footwear market. We are sure that this will be the biggest fair of all time and we will together make this the best year for the footwear sector”, celebrates Francisco Aldemir Bezerra de Souza, commercial director of Planeta Calçados - chain with 8 stores present in the cities of Juazeiro do Norte, Crato, Barbalha, Iguatu, Brejo Santo -, and director of Síndilojas in Juazeiro do Norte (CE).

The business and Relationship Manager of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), Letícia Sperb Masselli, points out that BFSHOW is also an international meeting point for the footwear sector. “The fifth largest footwear industry in the world, the most sustainable among its competitors, has a great showcase at the fair. It is an unmissable event, in which we will have more than 80% of the national footwear production presenting their collections for the hottest season of the year. We are sure that it will be a success that will give a spirit injection to the activity”, she points out.

One of the people responsible for the fair, Ricardo Azeredo, Head of New Business at NürnbergMesse Brasil, highlights the growth of the event. "BFSHOW has doubled in size in this edition, reinforcing the importance of this event for the Brazilian footwear sector. We are preparing a high standard fair to welcome the expected 10 thousand visitors, who are looking for the best products to offer to national and international consumers. Buyers will have an even better experience in this edition.”

Buyer Program
Success in the first edition, the Buyer Program is also back. An initiative of BFSHOW, which has the support of ApexBrasil within the scope of international buyers, the action seeks to encourage business between national and international buyers and exhibitors at the fair. In 2023, the action took to BFSHOW buyers from Brazil and countries such as Australia, Bolivia, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Spain, United States, Portugal, Russia, United Kingdom, among others.

International buyer participating in the program, Emma Damas Malamsha, from Apri Arch Fashion Ltd, importer and distributor of footwear from Tanzania, Africa, highlights that BFSHOW is an important exhibition for the sector. "Today, our main strategic partner is China, but at BFSHOW we have discovered other suppliers with potential, with which we can partner and do business. There is a lot of collaboration in the sector and the fair is a great opportunity to get to know each other”, she says.

Strengthening ties at BFSHOW is also the goal of Grupo Real Calçados, a chain founded in Bahia with more than 100 stores throughout Brazil. “It is a way to interact with suppliers and be closer to see what offers, new releases, novelties and trends are coming. We create bonds there because when we bet on a product, we establish a connection with the supplier themselves, which gives us support and confidence”, says director Ivan Nunes Andrade Filho.

In its first edition, BFSHOW received international buyers from five continents who generated more than R$ 315 million in business with the international market.

About Abicalçados
Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About the organizers
NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.


Brazil's largest footwear fair already has more than 220 confirmed brands

The largest Brazilian footwear fair, BFSHOW already has more than 220 confirmed brands, 183 of them exclusive. The companies bet on the national fair, held by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in partnership with NürnbergMesse Brasil, to launch their Spring/Summer collections, the most important season of the year for Brazilian footwear and which absorbs more than 70% of the total sales of the industry. The 2nd edition of BFSHOW takes place at the Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo/SP, between May 21st and 23rd, and accreditation is already open on the website.

One of the companies that are only confirmed at BFSHOW is Grendene. The commercial director of the footwear company, Paulo Barth, points out that expectations for the fair are quite positive. “We believe that we will have a very significant number of customers visiting the fair, both from the domestic market and from the foreign market”, he predicts. According to him, the show, also due to the fact that it has confirmed large suppliers, should attract the attention of the main players in the market, being a relevant opportunity for the presentation of Summer collections, the most important one for Grendene. “The second semester is historically our most representative semester and we have a very positive expectation for the business we will carry out during BFSHOW”, highlights the director, adding that, in addition to the hot season's collections, the company will offer high-turnover products for prompt delivery.

Another giant confirmed exclusively at BFSHOW is Alpargatas. “We are very happy to participate in the BFSHOW fair, an event that provides a unique opportunity to emphasize the importance of the footwear market for Alpargatas and Havaianas, a leading brand in the segment of flip flops”, evaluates the specialized commercial director of Havaianas Brasil, Bruno Correa Marques. For him, more than presenting the summer collections, the footwear fair will further strengthen partnerships and relationships in the sector, as it is a meeting point for Brazilian footwear with the world.

With confirmed presence at BFSHOW, Petite Jolie is another company that will launch its summer products exclusively at the footwear fair held by Abicalçados. “We need to be where the customers are and our expectation is that they will be, largely, at the BFSHOW. In addition, participating in this moment, in which we have the possibility of seeing a new great fair performing in the city of São Paulo is very important for our visibility”, comments the National Commercial Manager of Petite Jolie, Ruy Ferreira. For BFSHOW, the shoemaker will take the entire team of regional representatives to welcome the shopkeepers. “The fair marks the presentation of the brand's Summer I collection, so the client will find all the novelties related to trends and colors of the most joyful season of the year,” says the director.

Meeting point
BFSHOW is a fair created by Abicalçados in partnership with NürnbergMesse Brasil to be the meeting point of Brazilian footwear with customers from all over the world, in an objective, business-focused and transparent way. The show should bring together, in May, about 250 brands of all sizes and Brazilian footwear poles that together account for more than 80% of the national production of the sector. The visitation is estimated at more than 10 thousand buyers and professionals of the activity, both from Brazil and from the international market. In the first edition of BFSHOW, which took place in Rio Grande do Sul, were generated, only in international business, more than R$ 315 million.

About Abicalçados
Abicalçados represents the Brazilian footwear industry, fifth largest in the world and the largest in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1983, Abicalçados is based in Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, and its members are companies of all sizes accounting for more than 65 percent of the footwear produced in the country. The entity represents an industry that employs more than 300,000 people. Its mission is to represent, defend, develop, and promote Brazil’s footwear industry with respect, excellency, and results.

About the organizers
NürnbergMesse Brasil is a subsidiary of the NürnbergMesse Group, one of the 15 largest fair organizers in the world. The group’s portfolio includes more than 120 international fairs and congresses (14 of them in Brazil) and more than 40 pavilions. Every year, more than 30,000 expositors and more than 1,5 million visitors meet in events hosted by NürnbergMesse, which also has subsidiaries in China, United States, Brazil, Greece, Italy, and India, The group also established a network with sone 50 representatives operating in more than 116 countries.